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john bull on the guadalquivir-第3章

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thoroughly nice fellow always opens a conversation with his inferior。
Of course I could not understand the words which were exchanged; but
it was clear enough that the 〃mayo〃 took the address in good part;
and was inclined to be communicative and social。

〃They are all of pure gold;〃 said Johnson; turning to me after a
minute; making as he spoke a motion with his head to show the
importance of the information。

〃Are they indeed?〃 said I。  〃Where on earth did a fellow like that
get them?〃  Whereupon Johnson again returned to his conversation with
the man。  After another minute he raised his hand; and began to
finger the button on the shoulder; and to aid him in doing so; the
man of the bull…ring turned a little on one side。

〃They are wonderfully well made;〃 said Johnson; talking to me; and
still fingering the button。  〃They are manufactured; he says; at
Osuna; and he tells me that they make them better there than anywhere

〃I wonder what the whole set would cost?〃 said I。  〃An enormous deal
of money for a fellow like him; I should think!〃

〃Over twelve ounces;〃 said Johnson; having asked the question; 〃and
that will be more than forty pounds。〃

〃What an uncommon ass he must be!〃 said I。

As Johnson by this time was very closely scrutinising the whole set
of ornaments I thought I might do so also; and going up close to our
friend; I too began to handle the buttons and tags on the other side。
Nothing could have been more good…humoured than he wasso much so
that I was emboldened to hold up his arm that I might see the cut of
his coat; to take off his cap and examine the make; to stuff my
finger in beneath his sash; and at last to kneel down while I
persuaded him to hold up his legs that I might look to the clocking。
The fellow was thorough good…natured; and why should I not indulge my

〃You'll upset him if you don't take care;〃 said Johnson; for I had
got fast hold of him by one ankle; and was determined to finish the
survey completely。

〃Oh; no; I shan't;〃 said I; 〃a bull…fighting chap can surely stand on
one leg。  But what I wonder at is; how on earth he can afford it!〃
Whereupon Johnson again began to interrogate him in Spanish。

〃He says he has got no children;〃 said Johnson; having received a
reply; 〃and that as he has nobody but himself to look after; he is
able to allow himself such little luxuries。〃

〃Tell him that I say he would be better with a wife and couple of
babies;〃 said Iand Johnson interpreted。

〃He says that he'll think of it some of these days; when he finds
that the supply of fools in the world is becoming short;〃 said

We had nearly done with him now; but after regaining my feet; I
addressed myself once more to the heavy pendules; which hung down
almost under his arm。  I lifted one of these; meaning to feel its
weight between my fingers; but unfortunately I gave a lurch; probably
through the motion of the boat; and still holding by the button; tore
it almost off from our friend's coat。

〃Oh; I am so sorry;〃 I said; in broad English。

〃It do not matter at all;〃 he said; bowing; and speaking with equal
plainness。  And then; taking a knife from his pocket; he cut the
pendule off; leaving a bit of torn cloth on the side of his jacket。

〃Upon my word; I am quite unhappy;〃 said I; 〃but I always am so
awkward。〃  Whereupon he bowed low。

〃Couldn't I make it right?〃 said I; bringing out my purse。

He lifted his hand; and I saw that it was small and white; he lifted
it and gently put it upon my purse; smiling sweetly as he did so。
〃Thank you; no; senor; thank you; no。〃  And then; bowing to us both;
he walked away down into the cabin。

〃Upon my word he is a deuced well…mannered fellow;〃 said I。

〃You shouldn't have offered him money;〃 said Johnson; 〃a Spaniard
does not like it。〃

〃Why; I thought you could do nothing without money in this country。
Doesn't every one take bribes?〃

〃Ah! yes; that is a different thing; but not the price of a button。
By Jove! he understood English; too。  Did you see that?〃

〃Yes; and I called him an ass!  I hope he doesn't mind it。〃

〃Oh! no; he won't think anything about it;〃 said Johnson。  〃That sort
of fellows don't。  I dare say we shall see him in the bull…ring next
Sunday; and then we'll make all right with a glass of lemonade。〃

And so our adventure ended with the man of the gold ornaments。  I was
sorry that I had spoken English before him so heedlessly; and
resolved that I would never be guilty of such gaucherie again。  But;
then; who would think that a Spanish bull…fighter would talk a
foreign language?  I was sorry; also; that I had torn his coat; it
had looked so awkward; and sorry again that I had offered the man
money。  Altogether I was a little ashamed of myself; but I had too
much to look forward to at Seville to allow any heaviness to remain
long at my heart; and before I had arrived at the marvellous city I
had forgotten both him and his buttons。

Nothing could be nicer than the way in which I was welcomed at Mr。
Daguilar's house; or more kindI may almost say affectionatethan
Maria's manner to me。  But it was too affectionate; and I am not sure
that I should not have liked my reception better had she been more
diffident in her tone; and less inclined to greet me with open
warmth。  As it was; she again gave me her cheek to kiss; in her
father's presence; and called me dear John; and asked me specially
after some rabbits which I had kept at home merely for a younger
sister; and then it seemed as though she were in no way embarrassed
by the peculiar circumstances of our position。  Twelve months since I
had asked her to be my wife; and now she was to give me an answer;
and yet she was as assured in her gait; and as serenely joyous in her
tone; as though I were a brother just returned from college。  It
could not be that she meant to refuse me; or she would not smile on
me and be so loving; but I could almost have found it in my heart to
wish that she would。  〃It is quite possible;〃 said I to myself; 〃that
I may not be found so ready for this family bargain。  A love that is
to be had like a bale of goods is not exactly the love to suit my
taste。〃  But then; when I met her again in the morning I could no
more have quarrelled with her than I could have flown。

I was inexpressibly charmed with the whole city; and especially with
the house in which Mr。 Daguilar lived。  It opened from the corner of
a narrow; unfrequented streeta corner like an elbowand; as seen
from the exterior; there was nothing prepossessing to recommend it;
but the outer door led by a short hall or passage to an inner door or
grille; made of open ornamental iron…work; and through that we
entered a court; or patio; as they I called it。  Nothing could be
more lovely or deliciously cool than was this small court。  The
building on each side was covered by trellis…work; and beautiful
creepers; vines; and parasite flowers; now in the full magnificence
of the early summer; grew up and clustered round the windows。  Every
inch of wall was covered; so that none of the glaring whitewash
wounded the eye。  In the four corners of the patio were four large
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