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the six enneads-第141章

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e their respect; honouring everything more than themselves; all their awe and admiration is for the alien; and; clinging to this; they have broken apart; as far as a soul may; and they make light of what they have deserted; their regard for the mundane and their disregard of themselves bring about their utter ignoring of the divine。     Admiring pursuit of the external is a confession of inferiority; and nothing thus holding itself inferior to things that rise and perish; nothing counting itself less honourable and less enduring than all else it admires could ever form any notion of either the nature or the power of God。     A double discipline must be applied if human beings in this pass are to be reclaimed; and brought back to their origins; lifted once more towards the Supreme and One and First。     There is the method; which we amply exhibit elsewhere; declaring the dishonour of the objects which the Soul holds here in honour; the second teaches or recalls to the soul its race and worth; this latter is the leading truth; and; clearly brought out; is the evidence of the other。     It must occupy us now for it bears closely upon our enquiry to which it is the natural preliminary: the seeker is soul and it must start from a true notion of the nature and quality by which soul may undertake the search; it must study itself in order to learn whether it has the faculty for the enquiry; the eye for the object proposed; whether in fact we ought to seek; for if the object is alien the search must be futile; while if there is relationship the solution of our problem is at once desirable and possible。     2。 Let every soul recall; then; at the outset the truth that soul is the author of all living things; that it has breathed the life into them all; whatever is nourished by earth and sea; all the creatures of the air; the divine stars in the sky; it is the maker of the sun; itself formed and ordered this vast heaven and conducts all that rhythmic motion; and it is a principle distinct from all these to which it gives law and movement and life; and it must of necessity be more honourable than they; for they gather or dissolve as soul brings them life or abandons them; but soul; since it never can abandon itself; is of eternal being。     How life was purveyed to the universe of things and to the separate beings in it may be thus conceived:     That great soul must stand pictured before another soul; one not mean; a soul that has become worthy to look; emancipate from the lure; from all that binds its fellows in bewitchment; holding itself in quietude。 Let not merely the enveloping body be at peace; body's turmoil stilled; but all that lies around; earth at peace; and sea at peace; and air and the very heavens。 Into that heaven; all at rest; let the great soul be conceived to roll inward at every point; penetrating; permeating; from all sides pouring in its light。 As the rays of the sun throwing their brilliance upon a lowering cloud make it gleam all gold; so the soul entering the material expanse of the heavens has given life; has given immortality: what was abject it has lifted up; and the heavenly system; moved now in endless motion by the soul that leads it in wisdom; has become a living and a blessed thing; the soul domiciled within; it takes worth where; before the soul; it was stark body… clay and water… or; rather; the blankness of Matter; the absence of Being; and; as an author says; 〃the execration of the Gods。〃     The Soul's nature and power will be brought out more clearly; more brilliantly; if we consider next how it envelops the heavenly system and guides all to its purposes: for it has bestowed itself upon all that huge expanse so that every interval; small and great alike; all has been ensouled。     The material body is made up of parts; each holding its own place; some in mutual opposition and others variously interdependent; the soul is in no such condition; it is not whittled down so that life tells of a part of the soul and springs where some such separate portion impinges; each separate life lives by the soul entire; omnipresent in the likeness of the engendering father; entire in unity and entire in diffused variety。 By the power of the soul the manifold and diverse heavenly system is a unit: through soul this universe is a God: and the sun is a God because it is ensouled; so too the stars: and whatsoever we ourselves may be; it is all in virtue of soul; for 〃dead is viler than dung。〃     This; by which the gods are divine; must be the oldest God of them all: and our own soul is of that same Ideal nature; so that to consider it; purified; freed from all accruement; is to recognise in ourselves that same value which we have found soul to be; honourable above all that is bodily。 For what is body but earth; and; taking fire itself; what 'but soul' is its burning power? So it is with all the compounds of earth and fire; even with water and air added to them?     If; then; it is the presence of soul that brings worth; how can a man slight himself and run after other things? You honour the Soul elsewhere; honour then yourself。     3。 The Soul once seen to be thus precious; thus divine; you may hold the faith that by its possession you are already nearing God: in the strength of this power make upwards towards Him: at no great distance you must attain: there is not much between。     But over this divine; there is still a diviner: grasp the upward neighbour of the soul; its prior and source。     Soul; for all the worth we have shown to belong to it; is yet a secondary; an image of the Intellectual…Principle: reason uttered is an image of the reason stored within the soul; and in the same way soul is an utterance of the Intellectual…Principle: it is even the total of its activity; the entire stream of life sent forth by that Principle to the production of further being; it is the forthgoing heat of a fire which has also heat essentially inherent。 But within the Supreme we must see energy not as an overflow but in the double aspect of integral inherence with the establishment of a new being。 Sprung; in other words; from the Intellectual…Principle; Soul is intellective; but with an intellection operation by the method of reasonings: for its perfecting it must look to that Divine Mind; which may be thought of as a father watching over the development of his child born imperfect in comparison with himself。     Thus its substantial existence comes from the Intellectual…Principle; and the Reason within it becomes Act in virtue of its contemplation of that prior; for its thought and act are its own intimate possession when it looks to the Supreme Intelligence; those only are soul…acts which are of this intellective nature and are determined by its own character; all that is less noble is foreign 'traceable to Matter' and is accidental to the soul in the course of its peculiar task。     In two ways; then; the Intellectual…Principle enhances the divine quality of the soul; as father and as immanent presence; nothing separates them but the fact that they are not one and the same; that there is succession; that over against a recipient there stands the ideal…form received; but this recipient; Matter to the Supreme Intelligence; is also n
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