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the six enneads-第25章

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al merely to our present problem。 We are faced with several questions: Is the heavenly system exposed to any such flux as would occasion the need of some restoration corresponding to nourishment; or do its members; once set in their due places; suffer no loss of substance; permanent by Kind? Does it consist of fire only; or is it mainly of fire with the other elements; as well; taken up and carried in the circuit by the dominant Principle?     Our doctrine of the immortality of the heavenly system rests on the firmest foundation once we have cited the sovereign agent; the soul; and considered; besides; the peculiar excellence of the bodily substance constituting the stars; a material so pure; so entirely the noblest; and chosen by the soul as; in all living beings; the determining principle appropriates to itself the choicest among their characteristic parts。 No doubt Aristotle is right in speaking of flame as a turmoil; fire insolently rioting; but the celestial fire is equable; placid; docile to the purposes of the stars。     Still; the great argument remains; the Soul; moving in its marvellous might second only to the very loftiest Existents: how could anything once placed within this Soul break away from it into non…being? No one that understands this principle; the support of all things; can fail to see that; sprung from God; it is a stronger stay than any bonds。     And is it conceivable that the Soul; valid to sustain for a certain space of time; could not so sustain for ever? This would be to assume that it holds things together by violence; that there is a 〃natural course〃 at variance with what actually exists in the nature of the universe and in these exquisitely ordered beings; and that there is some power able to storm the established system and destroy its ordered coherence; some kingdom or dominion that may shatter the order founded by the Soul。     Further: The Kosmos has had no beginning… the impossibility has been shown elsewhere… and this is warrant for its continued existence。 Why should there be in the future a change that has not yet occurred? The elements there are not worn away like beams and rafters: they hold sound for ever; and so the All holds sound。 And even supposing these elements to be in ceaseless transmutation; yet the All persists: the ground of all the change must itself be changeless。     As to any alteration of purpose in the Soul we have already shown the emptiness of that fancy: the administration of the universe entails neither labour nor loss; and; even supposing the possibility of annihilating all that is material; the Soul would be no whit the better or the worse。     5。 But how explain the permanence There; while the content of this sphere… its elements and its living things alike… are passing?     The reason is given by Plato: the celestial order is from God; the living things of earth from the gods sprung from God; and it is law that the offspring of God endures。     In other words; the celestial soul… and our souls with it… springs directly next from the Creator; while the animal life of this earth is produced by an image which goes forth from that celestial soul and may be said to flow downwards from it。     A soul; then; of the minor degree… reproducing; indeed; that of the Divine sphere but lacking in power inasmuch as it must exercise its creative act upon inferior stuff in an inferior region… the substances taken up into the fabric being of themselves repugnant to duration; with such an origin the living things of this realm cannot be of strength to last for ever; the material constituents are not as firmly held and controlled as if they were ruled immediately by a Principle of higher potency。     The heavens; on the contrary; must have persistence as a whole; and this entails the persistence of the parts; of the stars they contain: we could not imagine that whole to endure with the parts in flux… though; of course; we must distinguish things sub…celestial from the heavens themselves whose region does not in fact extend so low as to the moon。     Our own case is different: physically we are formed by that 'inferior' soul; given forth 'not directly from God but' from the divine beings in the heavens and from the heavens themselves; it is by way of that inferior soul that we are associated with the body 'which therefore will not be persistent'; for the higher soul which constitutes the We is the principle not of our existence but of our excellence or; if also of our existence; then only in the sense that; when the body is already constituted; it enters; bringing with it some effluence from the Divine Reason in support of the existence。     6。 We may now consider the question whether fire is the sole element existing in that celestial realm and whether there is any outgoing thence with the consequent need of renewal。     Timaeus pronounced the material frame of the All to consist primarily of earth and fire for visibility; earth for solidity… and deduced that the stars must be mainly composed of fire; but not solely since there is no doubt they are solid。     And this is probably a true account。 Plato accepts it as indicated by all the appearances。 And; in fact; to all our perception… as we see them and derive from them the impression of illumination… the stars appear to be mostly; if not exclusively; fire: but on reasoning into the matter we judge that since solidity cannot exist apart from earth…matter; they must contain earth as well。     But what place could there be for the other elements? It is impossible to imagine water amid so vast a conflagration; and if air were present it would be continually changing into fire。     Admitting 'with Timaeus; as a logical truth' that two self…contained entities; standing as extremes to each other need for their coherence two intermediaries; we may still question whether this holds good with regard to physical bodies。 Certainly water and earth can be mixed without any such intermediate。 It might seem valid to object that the intermediates are already present in the earth and the water; but a possible answer would be; 〃Yes; but not as agents whose meeting is necessary to the coherence of those extremes。〃     None the less we will take it that the coherence of extremes is produced by virtue of each possessing all the intermediates。 It is still not proven that fire is necessary to the visibility of earth and earth to the solidarity of fire。     On this principle; nothing possesses an essential…nature of its very own; every several thing is a blend; and its name is merely an indication of the dominant constituent。     Thus we are told that earth cannot have concrete existence without the help of some moist element… the moisture in water being the necessary adhesive… but admitting that we so find it; there is still a contradiction in pretending that any one element has a being of its own and in the same breath denying its self…coherence; making its subsistence depend upon others; and so; in reality; reducing the specific element to nothing。 How can we talk of the existence of the definite Kind; earth… earth essential… if there exists no single particle of earth which actually is earth without any need of water to secure its self…cohesion? What h
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