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the six enneads-第26章

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ticle of earth which actually is earth without any need of water to secure its self…cohesion? What has such an adhesive to act upon if there is absolutely no given magnitude of real earth to which it may bind particle after particle in its business of producing the continuous mass? If there is any such given magnitude; large or small; of pure earth; then earth can exist in its own nature; independently of water: if there is no such primary particle of pure earth; then there is nothing whatever for the water to bind。 As for air… air unchanged; retaining its distinctive quality… how could it conduce to the subsistence of a dense material like earth?     Similarly with fire。 No doubt Timaeus speaks of it as necessary not to the existence but to the visibility of earth and the other elements; and certainly light is essential to all visibility… we cannot say that we see darkness; which implies; precisely; that nothing is seen; as silence means nothing being heard。     But all this does not assure us that the earth to be visible must contain fire: light is sufficient: snow; for example; and other extremely cold substances gleam without the presence of fire… though of course it might be said that fire was once there and communicated colour before disappearing。     As to the composition of water; we must leave it an open question whether there can be such a thing as water without a certain proportion of earth。     But how can air; the yielding element; contain earth?     Fire; again: is earth perhaps necessary there since fire is by its own nature devoid of continuity and not a thing of three dimensions?     Supposing it does not possess the solidity of the three dimensions; it has that of its thrust; now; cannot this belong to it by the mere right and fact of its being one of the corporeal entities in nature? Hardness is another matter; a property confined to earth…stuff。 Remember that gold… which is water… becomes dense by the accession not of earth but of denseness or consolidation: in the same way fire; with Soul present within it; may consolidate itself upon the power of the Soul; and there are living beings of fire among the Celestials。     But; in sum; do we abandon the teaching that all the elements enter into the composition of every living thing?     For this sphere; no; but to lift clay into the heavens is against nature; contrary to the laws of her ordaining: it is difficult; too; to think of that swiftest of circuits bearing along earthly bodies in its course nor could such material conduce to the splendour and white glint of the celestial fire。     7。 We can scarcely do better; in fine; than follow Plato。     Thus:     In the universe as a whole there must necessarily be such a degree of solidity; that is to say; of resistance; as will ensure that the earth; set in the centre; be a sure footing and support to the living beings moving over it; and inevitably communicate something of its own density to them: the earth will possess coherence by its own unaided quality; but visibility by the presence of fire: it will contain water against the dryness which would prevent the cohesion of its particles; it will hold air to lighten its bulky matters; it will be in contact with the celestial fire… not as being a member of the sidereal system but by the simple fact that the fire there and our earth both belong to the ordered universe so that something of the earth is taken up by the fire as something of the fire by the earth and something of everything by everything else。     This borrowing; however; does not mean that the one thing taking…up from the other enters into a composition; becoming an element in a total of both: it is simply a consequence of the kosmic fellowship; the participant retains its own being and takes over not the thing itself but some property of the thing; not air but air's yielding softness; not fire but fire's incandescence: mixing is another process; a complete surrender with a resultant compound not; as in this case; earth… remaining earth; the solidity and density we know… with something of fire's qualities superadded。     We have authority for this where we read:     〃At the second circuit from the earth; God kindled a light〃: he is speaking of the sun which; elsewhere; he calls the all…glowing and; again; the all…gleaming: thus he prevents us imagining it to be anything else but fire; though of a peculiar kind; in other words it is light; which he distinguishes from flame as being only modestly warm: this light is a corporeal substance but from it there shines forth that other 〃light〃 which; though it carries the same name; we pronounce incorporeal; given forth from the first as its flower and radiance; the veritable 〃incandescent body。〃 Plato's word earthy is commonly taken in too depreciatory a sense: he is thinking of earth as the principle of solidity; we are apt to ignore his distinctions and think of the concrete clay。     Fire of this order; giving forth this purest light; belongs to the upper realm; and there its seat is fixed by nature; but we must not; on that account; suppose the flame of earth to be associated with the beings of that higher sphere。     No: the flame of this world; once it has attained a certain height; is extinguished by the currents of air opposed to it。 Moreover; as it carries an earthy element on its upward path; it is weighed downwards and cannot reach those loftier regions。 It comes to a stand somewhere below the moon… making the air at that point subtler… and its flame; if any flame can persist; is subdued and softened; and no longer retains its first intensity; but gives out only what radiance it reflects from the light above。     And it is that loftier light… falling variously upon the stars; to each in a certain proportion… that gives them their characteristic differences; as well in magnitude as in colour; just such light constitutes also the still higher heavenly bodies which; however; like clear air; are invisible because of the subtle texture and unresisting transparency of their material substance and also by their very distance。     8。 Now: given a light of this degree; remaining in the upper sphere at its appointed station; pure light in purest place; what mode of outflow from it can be conceived possible?     Such a Kind is not so constituted as to flow downwards of its own accord; and there exists in those regions no power to force it down。 Again; body in contact with soul must always be very different from body left to itself; the bodily substance of the heavens has that contact and will show that difference。     Besides; the corporeal substance nearest to the heavens would be air or fire: air has no destructive quality; fire would be powerless there since it could not enter into effective contact: in its very rush it would change before its attack could be felt; and; apart from that; it is of the lesser order; no match for what it would be opposing in those higher regions。     Again; fire acts by imparting heat: now it cannot be the source of heat to what is already hot by nature; and anything it is to destroy must as a first condition be heated by it; must be brought to a pitch of heat fatal to the nature concerned。     In sum; then; no outside body is nec
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