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darwin and modern science-第177章

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Darwin sought to show; and succeeded in showing; that for the intellectual and moral life there are instinctive foundations which a biological treatment alone can disclose。  It is true that he did not in all cases analytically distinguish the foundations from the superstructure。  Even to… day we are scarcely in a position to do so adequately。  But his treatment was of great value in giving an impetus to further research。  This value indeed can scarcely be overestimated。  And when the natural history of the mental operations shall have been written; the cardinal fact will stand forth; that the instinctive and emotional foundations are the outcome of biological evolution and have been ingrained in the race through natural selection。  We shall more clearly realise that educability itself is a product of natural selection; though the specific results acquired through cerebral modifications are not transmitted through heredity。  It will; perhaps; also be realised that the instinctive foundations of social behaviour are; for us; somewhat out of date and have undergone but little change throughout the progress of civilisation; because natural selection has long since ceased to be the dominant factor in human progress。  The history of human progress has been mainly the history of man's higher educability; the products of which he has projected on to his environment。  This educability remains on the average what it was a dozen generations ago; but the thought…woven tapestry of his surroundings is refashioned and improved by each succeeding generation。  Few men have in greater measure enriched the thought…environment with which it is the aim of education to bring educable human beings into vital contact; than has Charles Darwin。  His special field of work was the wide province of biology; but he did much to help us realise that mental factors have contributed to organic evolution and that in man; the highest product of Evolution; they have reached a position of unquestioned supremacy。


By H。 HOFFDING。 Professor of Philosophy in the University of Copenhagen。


It is difficult to draw a sharp line between philosophy and natural science。  The naturalist who introduces a new principle; or demonstrates a fact which throws a new light on existence; not only renders an important service to philosophy but is himself a philosopher in the broader sense of the word。  The aim of philosophy in the stricter sense is to attain points of view from which the fundamental phenomena and the principles of the special sciences can be seen in their relative importance and connection。  But philosophy in this stricter sense has always been influenced by philosophy in the broader sense。  Greek philosophy came under the influence of logic and mathematics; modern philosophy under the influence of natural science。  The name of Charles Darwin stands with those of Galileo; Newton; and Robert Mayernames which denote new problems and great alterations in our conception of the universe。

First of all we must lay stress on Darwin's own personality。  His deep love of truth; his indefatigable inquiry; his wide horizon; and his steady self… criticism make him a scientific model; even if his results and theories should eventually come to possess mainly an historical interest。  In the intellectual domain the primary object is to reach high summits from which wide surveys are possible; to reach them toiling honestly upwards by way of experience; and then not to turn dizzy when a summit is gained。  Darwinians have sometimes turned dizzy; but Darwin never。  He saw from the first the great importance of his hypothesis; not only because of its solution of the old problem as to the value of the concept of species; not only because of the grand picture of natural evolution which it unrolls; but also because of the life and inspiration its method would impart to the study of comparative anatomy; of instinct and of heredity; and finally because of the influence it would exert on the whole conception of existence。  He wrote in his note…book in the year 1837:  〃My theory would give zest to recent and fossil comparative anatomy; it would lead to the study of instinct; heredity; and mind…heredity; whole (of) metaphysics。〃  (〃Life and Letters of Charles Darwin〃; Vol。 I。 page 8。)

We can distinguish four main points in which Darwin's investigations possess philosophical importance。

The evolution hypothesis is much older than Darwin; it is; indeed; one of the oldest guessings of human thought。  In the eighteenth century it was put forward by Diderot and Lamettrie and suggested by Kant (1786)。  As we shall see later; it was held also by several philosophers in the first half of the nineteenth century。  In his preface to 〃The Origin of Species〃; Darwin mentions the naturalists who were his forerunners。  But he has set forth the hypothesis of evolution in so energetic and thorough a manner that it perforce attracts the attention of all thoughtful men in a much higher degree than it did before the publication of the 〃Origin〃。

And further; the importance of his teaching rests on the fact that he; much more than his predecessors; even than Lamarck; sought a foundation for his hypothesis in definite facts。  Modern science began by demandingwith Kepler and Newtonevidence of verae causae; this demand Darwin industriously set himself to satisfyhence the wealth of material which he collected by his observations and his experiments。  He not only revived an old hypothesis; but he saw the necessity of verifying it by facts。  Whether the special cause on which he founded the explanation of the origin of speciesNatural Selectionis sufficient; is now a subject of discussion。  He himself had some doubt in regard to this question; and the criticisms which are directed against his hypothesis hit Darwinism rather than Darwin。  In his indefatigable search for empirical evidence he is a model even for his antagonists:  he has compelled them to approach the problems of life along other lines than those which were formerly followed。

Whether the special cause to which Darwin appealed is sufficient or not; at least to it is probably due the greater part of the influence which he has exerted on the general trend of thought。  〃Struggle for existence〃 and 〃natural selection〃 are principles which have been applied; more or less; in every department of thought。  Recent research; it is true; has discovered greater empirical discontinuityleaps; 〃mutations〃whereas Darwin believed in the importance of small variations slowly accumulated。  It has also been shown by the experimental method; which in recent biological work has succeeded Darwin's more historical method; that types once constituted possess great permanence; the fluctuations being restricted within clearly defined boundaries。  The problem has become more precise; both as to variation and as to heredity。  The inner conditions of life have in both respects shown a greater independence than Darwin had supposed in his theory; though he always admitted that the cause of variation was to him a great enigma; 〃a most perplexing problem;〃 and that the struggle for life could on
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