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vanity fair(名利场)-第2章

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to the acquirement of that dignified DEPORTMENT AND
CARRIAGE; so requisite for every young lady of fashion。
In the principles of religion and morality; Miss Sedley
will be found worthy of an establishment which has
been honoured by the presence of THE GREAT LEXICOGRAPHER;
and the patronage of the admirable Mrs。 Chapone。  In leaving
the Mall; Miss Amelia carries with her the hearts of her
companions; and the affectionate regards of her mistress;
who has the honour to subscribe herself;
Your most obliged humble servant;
P。S。Miss Sharp accompanies Miss Sedley。  It is particularly 
requested that Miss Sharp's stay in Russell Square may not
exceed ten days。  The family of distinction with whom she is
engaged; desire to avail themselves of her services as soon 
as possible。
This letter completed; Miss Pinkerton proceeded to
write her own name; and Miss Sedley's; in the fly…leaf of
a Johnson's Dictionarythe interesting work which she
invariably presented to her scholars; on their departure
from the Mall。  On the cover was inserted a copy of 〃Lines
addressed to a young lady on quitting Miss Pinkerton's
school; at the Mall; by the late revered Doctor Samuel
Johnson。〃 In fact; the Lexicographer's name was always
on the lips of this majestic woman; and a visit he had
paid to her was the cause of her reputation and her fortune。
Being commanded by her elder sister to get 〃the Dictionary〃
from the cupboard; Miss Jemima had extracted two copies
of the book from the receptacle in question。  When Miss
Pinkerton had finished the inscription in the first; Jemima;
with rather a dubious and timid air; handed her the second。
〃For whom is this; Miss Jemima?〃 said Miss Pinkerton;
with awful coldness。
〃For Becky Sharp;〃 answered Jemima; trembling very
much; and blushing over her withered face and neck; as
she turned her back on her sister。  〃For Becky Sharp:
she's going too。〃
  〃MISS JEMIMA!〃 exclaimed Miss Pinkerton; in the
largest capitals。  〃Are you in your senses? Replace the
Dixonary in the closet; and never venture to take such
a liberty in future。〃
〃Well; sister; it's only two…and…ninepence; and poor
Becky will be miserable if she don't get one。〃
〃Send Miss Sedley instantly to me;〃 said Miss Pinkerton。
And so venturing not to say another word; poor
Jemima trotted off; exceedingly flurried and nervous。
Miss Sedley's papa was a merchant in London; and a
man of some wealth; whereas Miss Sharp was an articled
pupil; for whom Miss Pinkerton had done; as she thought;
quite enough; without conferring upon her at parting the
high honour of the Dixonary。
Although schoolmistresses' letters are to be trusted no
more nor less than churchyard epitaphs; yet; as it sometimes 
happens that a person departs this life who is really
deserving of all the praises the stone cutter carves over
his bones; who IS a good Christian; a good parent; child;
wife; or husband; who actually DOES leave a disconsolate
family to mourn his loss; so in academies of the male
and female sex it occurs every now and then that the
pupil is fully worthy of the praises bestowed by the
disinterested instructor。  Now; Miss Amelia Sedley was a
young lady of this singular species; and deserved not only
all that Miss Pinkerton said in her praise; but had many
charming qualities which that pompous old Minerva of a
woman could not see; from the differences of rank and
age between her pupil and herself。
For she could not only sing like a lark; or a Mrs。
Billington; and dance like Hillisberg or Parisot; and
embroider beautifully; and spell as well as a Dixonary
itself; but she had such a kindly; smiling; tender; gentle;
generous heart of her own; as won the love of everybody
who came near her; from Minerva herself down to the poor
girl in the scullery; and the one…eyed tart…woman's
daughter; who was permitted to vend her wares once a
week to the young ladies in the Mall。  She had twelve intimate
and bosom friends out of the twenty…four young ladies。
Even envious Miss Briggs never spoke ill of her; high
and mighty Miss Saltire (Lord Dexter's granddaughter)
allowed that her figure was genteel; and as for Miss
Swartz; the rich woolly…haired mulatto from St。 Kitt's; on
the day Amelia went away; she was in such a passion of
tears that they were obliged to send for Dr。 Floss; and half
tipsify her with salvolatile。  Miss Pinkerton's attachment
was; as may be supposed from the high position and
eminent virtues of that lady; calm and dignified; but Miss
Jemima had already whimpered several times at the idea
of Amelia's departure; and; but for fear of her sister;
would have gone off in downright hysterics; like the
heiress (who paid double) of St。 Kitt's。  Such luxury of
grief; however; is only allowed to parlour…boarders。
Honest Jemima had all the bills; and the washing; and the
mending; and the puddings; and the plate and crockery;
and the servants to superintend。  But why speak about
her?  It is probable that we shall not hear of her again
from this moment to the end of time; and that when the
great filigree iron gates are once closed on her; she and
her awful sister will never issue therefrom into this little
world of history。
But as we are to see a great deal of Amelia; there is
no harm in saying; at the outset of our acquaintance; that
she was a dear little creature; and a great mercy it is;
both in life and in novels; which (and the latter especially)
abound in villains of the most sombre sort; that
we are to have for a constant companion so guileless
and good…natured a person。  As she is not a heroine; there
is no need to describe her person; indeed I am afraid
that her nose was rather short than otherwise; and her
cheeks a great deal too round and red for a heroine; but
her face blushed with rosy health; and her lips with the
freshest of smiles; and she had a pair of eyes which
sparkled with the brightest and honestest good…humour;
except indeed when they filled with tears; and that was
a great deal too often; for the silly thing would cry over
a dead canary…bird; or over a mouse; that the cat haply
had seized upon; or over the end of a novel; were it ever
so stupid; and as for saying an unkind word to her; were
any persons hard…hearted enough to do sowhy; so much
the worse for them。  Even Miss Pinkerton; that austere
and godlike woman; ceased scolding her after the first
time; and though she no more comprehended sensibility
than she did Algebra; gave all masters and teachers
particular orders to treat Miss Sedley with the utmost
gentleness; as harsh treatment was injurious to her。
So that when the day of departure came; between her
two customs of laughing and crying; Miss Sedley was
greatly puzzled how to act。  She was glad to go home;
and yet most woefully sad at leaving school。  For three
days before; little Laura Martin; the orphan; followed her
about like a little dog。  She had to make and receive at
least fourteen presentsto make fourteen solemn promises
of writing every week:  〃Send my letters under cover
to my grandpapa; the Earl of Dexter;〃 said Miss Saltire
(who; by the way; was rather shabby)。  〃Never mind the
postage; but write every 
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