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vanity fair(名利场)-第219章

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for yourself; Miss O。  But them grapes are sour。  Ha!  ha!
Major William is a fine feller。〃
〃That he is; Grandpapa;〃 said Georgy approvingly;
and going up close to the old gentleman; he took a hold
of his large grey whiskers; and laughed in his face
good…humouredly; and kissed him。  And he told the story at
night to his mother; who fully agreed with the boy。
〃Indeed he is;〃 she said。  〃Your dear father always said so。
He is one of the best and most upright of men。〃 Dobbin
happened to drop in very soon after this conversation;
which made Amelia blush perhaps; and the young
scapegrace increased the confusion by telling Dobbin
the other part of the story。  〃I say; Dob;〃 he said; 〃there's
such an uncommon nice girl wants to marry you。  She's
plenty of tin; she wears a front; and she scolds the
servants from morning till night。〃 〃Who is it?〃 asked
  〃It's Aunt O。;〃 the boy answered。  〃Grandpapa said
so。  And I say; Dob; how prime it would be to have you
for my uncle。〃 Old Sedley's quavering voice from the
next room at this moment weakly called for Amelia; and
the laughing ended。
That old Osborne's mind was changing was pretty clear。
He asked George about his uncle sometimes; and laughed
at the boy's imitation of the way in which Jos said
〃God…bless…my…soul〃 and gobbled his soup。  Then he said;
〃It's not respectful; sir; of you younkers to be imitating of
your relations。  Miss O。; when you go out adriving
to…day; leave my card upon Mr。 Sedley; do you hear?
There's no quarrel betwigst me and him anyhow。〃
The card was returned; and Jos and the Major were
asked to dinnerto a dinner the most splendid and
stupid that perhaps ever Mr。 Osborne gave; every inch
of the family plate was exhibited; and the best company
was asked。  Mr。 Sedley took down Miss O。  to dinner;
and she was very gracious to him; whereas she
hardly spoke to the Major; who sat apart from her; and
by the side of Mr。 Osborne; very timid。  Jos said; with
great solemnity; it was the best turtle soup he had ever
tasted in his life; and asked Mr。 Osborne where he got his
〃It is some of Sedley's wine;〃 whispered the butler to
his master。  〃I've had it a long time; and paid a good
figure for it; too;〃 Mr。 Osborne said aloud to his guest;
and then whispered to his right…hand neighbour how
he had got it 〃at the old chap's sale。〃
More than once he asked the Major aboutabout Mrs。
George Osbornea theme on which the Major could be
very eloquent when he chose。  He told Mr。 Osborne of
her sufferingsof her passionate attachment to her
husband; whose memory she worshipped stillof the tender
and dutiful manner in which she had supported her
parents; and given up her boy; when it seemed to her her
duty to do so。  〃You don't know what she endured; sir;〃
said honest Dobbin with a tremor in his voice; 〃and I
hope and trust you will be reconciled to her。  If she
took your son away from you; she gave hers to you;
and however much you loved your George; depend on it;
she loved hers ten times more。〃
〃By God; you are a good feller; sir;〃 was all Mr。 Os…
borne said。  It had never struck him that the widow would
feel any pain at parting from the boy; or that his having
a fine fortune could grieve her。  A reconciliation was
announced as speedy and inevitable; and Amelia's heart
already began to beat at the notion of the awful meeting
with George's father。
It was never; however; destined to take place。  Old
Sedley's lingering illness and death supervened; after
which a meeting was for some time impossible。  That
catastrophe and other events may have worked upon Mr。
Osborne。  He was much shaken of late; and aged; and his
mind was working inwardly。  He had sent for his lawyers;
and probably changed something in his will。  The medical
man who looked in pronounced him shaky; agitated; and
talked of a little blood and the seaside; but he took
neither of these remedies。
One day when he should have come down to breakfast;
his servant missing him; went into his dressing…room
and found him lying at the foot of the dressing…table in a
fit。  Miss Osborne was apprised; the doctors were sent
for; Georgy stopped away from school; the bleeders
and cuppers came。  Osborne partially regained cognizance;
but never could speak again; though he tried
dreadfully once or twice; and in four days he died。  The
doctors went down; and the undertaker's men went up
the stairs; and all the shutters were shut towards the
garden in Russell Square。  Bullock rushed from the City
in a hurry。  〃How much money had he left to that boy?
Not half; surely? Surely share and share alike between
the three?〃 It was an agitating moment。
What was it that poor old man tried once or twice
in vain to say? I hope it was that he wanted to see
Amelia and be reconciled before he left the world to one
dear and faithful wife of his son:  it was most likely
that; for his will showed that the hatred which he had
so long cherished had gone out of his heart。
They found in the pocket of his dressing…gown the
letter with the great red seal which George had written
him from Waterloo。  He had looked at the other papers
too; relative to his son; for the key of the box in which
he kept them was also in his pocket; and it was found
the seals and envelopes had been brokenvery likely on
the night before the seizurewhen the butler had taken
him tea into his study; and found him reading in the
great red family Bible。
When the will was opened; it was found that half the
property was left to George; and the remainder between
the two sisters。  Mr。 Bullock to continue; for their joint
benefit; the affairs of the commercial house; or to go out;
as he thought fit。  An annuity of five hundred pounds;
chargeable on George's property; was left to his mother;
〃the widow of my beloved son; George Osborne;〃 who
was to resume the guardianship of the boy。
〃Major William Dobbin; my beloved son's friend;〃 was
appointed executor; 〃and as out of his kindness and
bounty; and with his own private funds; he maintained
my grandson and my son's widow; when they were
otherwise without means of support〃 (the testator went on
to say) 〃I hereby thank him heartily for his love and
regard for them; and beseech him to accept such a sum
as may be sufficient to purchase his commission as a
Lieutenant…Colonel; or to be disposed of in any way he
may think fit。〃
When Amelia heard that her father…in…law was
reconciled to her; her heart melted; and she was grateful
for the fortune left to her。  But when she heard how
Georgy was restored to her; and knew how and by
whom; and how it was William's bounty that supported
her in poverty; how it was William who gave her her
husband and her sonoh; then she sank on her knees;
and prayed for blessings on that constant and kind heart;
she bowed down and humbled herself; and kissed the
feet; as it were; of that beautiful and generous affection。
And gratitude was all that she had to pay back for
such admirable devotion and benefitsonly gratitude!  If
she thought of any other return; the image of George
stood up out of the grave and said; 〃You are mine;
and mine only; now and forever。〃
William knew her feelings:  had he no
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