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vanity fair(名利场)-第220章

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stood up out of the grave and said; 〃You are mine;
and mine only; now and forever。〃
William knew her feelings:  had he not passed his
whole life in divining them?
When the nature of Mr。 Osborne's will became known
to the world; it was edifying to remark how Mrs。 George
Osborne rose in the estimation of the people forming her
circle of acquaintance。  The servants of Jos's establishment;
who used to question her humble orders and say
they would 〃ask Master〃 whether or not they could obey;
never thought now of that sort of appeal。  The cook
forgot to sneer at her shabby old gowns (which; indeed;
were quite eclipsed by that lady's finery when she was
dressed to go to church of a Sunday evening); the others
no longer grumbled at the sound of her bell; or delayed
to answer that summons。  The coachman; who grumbled
that his 'osses should be brought out and his
carriage made into an hospital for that old feller and
Mrs。 O。; drove her with the utmost alacrity now; and
trembling lest he should be superseded by Mr。 Osborne's
coachman; asked 〃what them there Russell Square
coachmen knew about town; and whether they was fit to sit
on a box before a lady?〃 Jos's friends; male and female;
suddenly became interested about Emmy; and cards
of condolence multiplied on her hall table。  Jos himself;
who had looked on her as a good…natured harmless
pauper; to whom it was his duty to give victuals and
shelter; paid her and the rich little boy; his nephew; the
greatest respectwas anxious that she should have
change and amusement after her troubles and trials;
〃poor dear girl〃and began to appear at the breakfast…
table; and most particularly to ask how she would like
to dispose of the day。
In her capacity of guardian to Georgy; she; with the
consent of the Major; her fellow…trustee; begged Miss
Osborne to live in the Russell Square house as long as
ever she chose to dwell there; but that lady; with thanks;
declared that she never could think of remaining alone
in that melancholy mansion; and departed in deep mourning
to Cheltenham; with a couple of her old domestics。
The rest were liberally paid and dismissed; the faithful
old butler; whom Mrs。 Osborne proposed to retain;
resigning and preferring to invest his savings in a public…
house; where; let us hope; he was not unprosperous。
Miss Osborne not choosing to live in Russell Square; Mrs。
Osborne also; after consultation; declined to occupy the
gloomy old mansion there。  The house was dismantled;
the rich furniture and effects; the awful chandeliers and
dreary blank mirrors packed away and hidden; the rich
rosewood drawing…room suite was muffled in straw; the
carpets were rolled up and corded; the small select
library of well…bound books was stowed into two wine…
chests; and the whole paraphernalia rolled away in
several enormous vans to the Pantechnicon; where they
were to lie until Georgy's majority。  And the great heavy
dark plate…chests went off to Messrs。  Stumpy and Rowdy;
to lie in the cellars of those eminent bankers until the
same period should arrive。
One day Emmy; with George in her hand and clad in
deep sables; went to visit the deserted mansion which she
had not entered since she was a girl。  The place in front
was littered with straw where the vans had been laden
and rolled off。  They went into the great blank rooms; the
walls of which bore the marks where the pictures and
mirrors had hung。  Then they went up the great blank
stone staircases into the upper rooms; into that where
grandpapa died; as George said in a whisper; and then
higher still into George's own room。  The boy was still
clinging by her side; but she thought of another besides
him。  She knew that it had been his father's room as well
as his own。
She went up to one of the open windows (one of
those at which she used to gaze with a sick heart when
the child was first taken from her); and thence as she
looked out she could see; over the trees of Russell Square;
the old house in which she herself was born; and where
she had passed so many happy days of sacred youth。
They all came back to her; the pleasant holidays;
the kind faces; the careless; joyful past times; and the
long pains and trials that had since cast her down。
She thought of these and of the man who had been her
constant protector; her good genius; her sole benefactor;
her tender and generous friend。
〃Look here; Mother;〃 said Georgy; 〃here's a G。O。
scratched on the glass with a diamond; I never saw it
before; I never did it。〃
〃It was your father's room long before you were born;
George;〃 she said; and she blushed as she kissed the
She was very silent as they drove back to Richmond;
where they had taken a temporary house:  where the
smiling lawyers used to come bustling over to see her (and
we may be sure noted the visit in the bill):  and where of
course there was a room for Major Dobbin too; who
rode over frequently; having much business to transact
on behalf of his little ward。

Georgy at this time was removed from Mr。 Veal's on
an unlimited holiday; and that gentleman was engaged
to prepare an inscription for a fine marble slab; to be
placed up in the Foundling under the monument of
Captain George Osborne。
The female Bullock; aunt of Georgy; although
despoiled by that little monster of one…half of the sum
which she expected from her father; nevertheless showed
her charitableness of spirit by being reconciled to the
mother and the boy。  Roehampton is not far from
Richmond; and one day the chariot; with the golden bullocks
emblazoned on the panels; and the flaccid children within;
drove to Amelia's house at Richmond; and the Bullock
family made an irruption into the garden; where Amelia
was reading a book; Jos was in an arbour placidly
dipping strawberries into wine; and the Major in one of
his Indian jackets was giving a back to Georgy; who
chose to jump over him。  He went over his head and
bounded into the little advance of Bullocks; with
immense black bows in their hats; and huge black sashes;
accompanying their mourning mamma。
〃He is just of the age for Rosa;〃 the fond parent
thought; and glanced towards that dear child; an
unwholesome little miss of seven years of age。
〃Rosa; go and kiss your dear cousin;〃 Mrs。 Frederick
said。  〃Don't you know me; George? I am your aunt。〃
〃I know you well enough;〃 George said; 〃but I don't
like kissing; please〃; and he retreated from the obedient
caresses of his cousin。
〃Take me to your dear mamma; you droll child;〃 Mrs。
Frederick said; and those ladies accordingly met; after
an absence of more than fifteen years。  During Emmy's
cares and poverty the other had never once thought
about coming to see her; but now that she was decently
prosperous in the world; her sister…in…law came to her as
a matter of course。
So did numbers more。  Our old friend; Miss Swartz; and
her husband came thundering over from Hampton Court;
with flaming yellow liveries; and was as impetuously fond
of Amelia as ever。  Miss Swartz would have liked her
always if she could have seen her。  One must do her that
justice。  But; que voulez vous?in this vast town one
has not the time to go and seek one's friends; if they
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