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vanity fair(名利场)-第77章

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〃The French are very strong; sir;〃 Dobbin went on。
〃The Russians and Austrians will be a long time before
they can bring their troops down。  We shall have the first
of the fight; sir; and depend on it Boney will take care
that it shall be a hard one。〃
〃What are you driving at; Dobbin?〃 his interlocutor
said; uneasy and with a scowl。  〃I suppose no Briton's
afraid of any d Frenchman; hey?〃
〃I only mean; that before we go; and considering the
great and certain risk that hangs over every one of us
if there are any differences between you and Georgeit
would be as well; sir; thatthat you should shake hands:
wouldn't it?  Should anything happen to him; I think you
would never forgive yourself if you hadn't parted in
As he said this; poor William Dobbin blushed crimson;
and felt and owned that he himself was a traitor。  But
for him; perhaps; this severance need never have taken
place。  Why had not George's marriage been delayed?
What call was there to press it on so eagerly?  He felt that
George would have parted from Amelia at any rate without
a mortal pang。  Amelia; too; MIGHT have recovered the
shock of losing him。  It was his counsel had brought
about this marriage; and all that was to ensue from it。
And why was it?  Because he loved her so much that he
could not bear to see her unhappy:  or because his own
sufferings of suspense were so unendurable that he was
glad to crush them at onceas we hasten a funeral
after a death; or; when a separation from those we love
is imminent; cannot rest until the parting be over。
〃You are a good fellow; William;〃 said Mr。 Osborne in
a softened voice; 〃and me and George shouldn't part in
anger; that is true。  Look here。  I've done for him as
much as any father ever did。  He's had three times as
much money from me; as I warrant your father ever
gave you。  But I don't brag about that。  How I've toiled
for him; and worked and employed my talents and energy;
I won't say。  Ask Chopper。  Ask himself。  Ask the City of
London。  Well; I propose to him such a marriage as any
nobleman in the land might be proud ofthe only thing
in life I ever asked himand he refuses me。  Am I wrong?
Is the quarrel of MY making?  What do I seek but his
good; for which I've been toiling like a convict ever since
he was born?  Nobody can say there's anything selfish in
me。  Let him come back。  I say; here's my hand。  I say;
forget and forgive。  As for marrying now; it's out of the
question。  Let him and Miss S。 make it up; and make out the
marriage afterwards; when he comes back a Colonel;
for he shall be a Colonel; by G he shall; if money
can do it。  I'm glad you've brought him round。  I know it's
you; Dobbin。  You've took him out of many a scrape
before。  Let him come。  I shan't be hard。  Come along; and
dine in Russell Square to…day: both of you。  The old shop;
the old hour。  You'll find a neck of venison; and no
questions asked。〃
This praise and confidence smote Dobbin's heart very
keenly。  Every moment the colloquy continued in this
tone; he felt more and more guilty。  〃Sir;〃 said he; 〃I
fear you deceive yourself。  I am sure you do。  George is
much too high…minded a man ever to marry for money。  A
threat on your part that you would disinherit him in
case of disobedience would only be followed by resistance
on his。〃
〃Why; hang it; man; you don't call offering him eight
or ten thousand a year threatening him?'' Mr。 Osborne
said; with still provoking good humour。  〃'Gad; if Miss
S。 will have me; I'm her man。  I ain't particular about a
shade or so of tawny。〃 And the old gentleman gave his
knowing grin and coarse laugh。
〃You forget; sir; previous engagements into which
Captain Osborne had entered;〃 the ambassador said; gravely。
〃What engagements? What the devil do you mean?
You don't mean;〃 Mr。 Osborne continued; gathering
wrath and astonishment as the thought now first came
upon him; 〃you don't mean that he's such a d fool
as to be still hankering after that swindling old bankrupt's
daughter?  You've not come here for to make me
suppose that he wants to marry HER?  Marry HER; that IS
a good one。  My son and heir marry a beggar's girl out of
a gutter。  D him; if he does; let him buy a broom
and sweep a crossing。  She was always dangling and ogling
after him; I recollect now; and I've no doubt she was
put on by her old sharper of a father。〃
〃Mr。 Sedley was your very good friend; sir;〃 Dobbin
interposed; almost pleased at finding himself growing
angry。  〃Time was you called him better names than
rogue and swindler。  The match was of your making。
George had no right to play fast and loose〃
〃Fast and loose!〃 howled out old Osborne。  〃Fast and
loose!  Why; hang me; those are the very words my
gentleman used himself when he gave himself airs; last
Thursday was a fortnight; and talked about the British army
to his father who made him。  What; it's you who have
been a setting of him upis it? and my service to you;
CAPTAIN。  It's you who want to introduce beggars into my
family。  Thank you for nothing; Captain。  Marry HER indeed
he; he! why should he?  I warrant you she'd go to him
fast enough without。〃
〃Sir;〃 said Dobbin; starting up in undisguised anger;
〃no man shall abuse that lady in my hearing; and you
least of all。〃
〃O; you're a…going to call me out; are you?  Stop; let me
ring the bell for pistols for two。  Mr。 George sent you
here to insult his father; did he?〃 Osborne said; pulling
at the bell…cord。
〃Mr。 Osborne;〃 said Dobbin; with a faltering voice;
〃it's you who are insulting the best creature in the world。
You had best spare her; sir; for she's your son's wife。〃
And with this; feeling that he could say no more; Dobbin
went away; Osborne sinking back in his chair; and
looking wildly after him。  A clerk came in; obedient to the
bell; and the Captain was scarcely out of the court where
Mr。 Osborne's offices were; when Mr。 Chopper the chief
clerk came rushing hatless after him。
〃For God's sake; what is it?〃 Mr。 Chopper said; catching
the Captain by the skirt。  〃The governor's in a fit。
What has Mr。 George been doing?〃
〃He married Miss Sedley five days ago;〃 Dobbin replied。
〃I was his groomsman; Mr。 Chopper; and you must
stand his friend。〃
The old clerk shook his head。  〃If that's your news;
Captain; it's bad。  The governor will never forgive him。〃
Dobbin begged Chopper to report progress to him at
the hotel where he was stopping; and walked off moodily
westwards; greatly perturbed as to the past and the
When the Russell Square family came to dinner that
evening; they found the father of the house seated in his
usual place; but with that air of gloom on his face; which;
whenever it appeared there; kept the whole circle silent。
The ladies; and Mr。 Bullock who dined with them; felt
that the news had been communicated to Mr。 Osborne。
His dark looks affected Mr。 Bullock so far as to render
him still and quiet: but he was unusually bland and
attentive to Miss Maria; by whom he sat; and to her sister
presiding at the head of the table。
Miss Wirt; by consequence; was alone on her side of
the board; a gap being left between her and Miss Jane
Osborne。  Now this was George's place when h
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