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vanity fair(名利场)-第78章

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the board; a gap being left between her and Miss Jane
Osborne。  Now this was George's place when he dined at
home; and his cover; as we said; was laid for him in
expectation of that truant's return。  Nothing occurred
during dinner…time except smiling Mr。 Frederick's flagging
confidential whispers; and the clinking of plate and china;
to interrupt the silence of the repast。  The servants went
about stealthily doing their duty。  Mutes at funerals could
not look more glum than the domestics of Mr。 Osborne
The neck of venison of which he had invited Dobbin to
partake; was carved by him in perfect silence; but his
own share went away almost untasted; though he drank
much; and the butler assiduously filled his glass。
At last; just at the end of the dinner; his eyes; which
had been staring at everybody in turn; fixed themselves
for a while upon the plate laid for George。  He pointed
to it presently with his left hand。  His daughters looked at
him and did not comprehend; or choose to comprehend;
the signal; nor did the servants at first understand it。
〃Take that plate away;〃 at last he said; getting up with
an oathand with this pushing his chair back; he walked
into his own room。
Behind Mr。 Osborne's dining…room was the usual
apartment which went in his house by the name of the
study; and was sacred to the master of the house。  Hither
Mr。 Osborne would retire of a Sunday forenoon when
not minded to go to church; and here pass the morning
in his crimson leather chair; reading the paper。  A couple
of glazed book…cases were here; containing standard
works in stout gilt bindings。  The 〃Annual Register;〃 the
〃Gentleman's Magazine;〃 〃Blair's Sermons;〃 and 〃Hume
and Smollett。〃 From year's end to year's end he never
took one of these volumes from the shelf; but there was
no member of the family that would dare for his life to
touch one of the books; except upon those rare Sunday
evenings when there was no dinner…party; and when the
great scarlet Bible and Prayer…book were taken out from
the corner where they stood beside his copy of the Peerage;
and the servants being rung up to the dining parlour;
Osborne read the evening service to his family in a
loud grating pompous voice。  No member of the household;
child; or domestic; ever entered that room without
a certain terror。  Here he checked the housekeeper's accounts;
and overhauled the butler's cellar…book。  Hence he
could command; across the clean gravel court…yard; the
back entrance of the stables with which one of his bells
communicated; and into this yard the coachman issued
from his premises as into a dock; and Osborne swore at
him from the study window。  Four times a year Miss
Wirt entered this apartment to get her salary; and his
daughters to receive their quarterly allowance。  George
as a boy had been horsewhipped in this room many
times; his mother sitting sick on the stair listening to the
cuts of the whip。  The boy was scarcely ever known to
cry under the punishment; the poor woman used to
fondle and kiss him secretly; and give him money to
soothe him when he came out。
There was a picture of the family over the mantelpiece;
removed thither from the front room after Mrs。 Osborne's
deathGeorge was on a pony; the elder sister
holding him up a bunch of flowers; the younger led by
her mother's hand; all with red cheeks and large red
mouths; simpering on each other in the approved family…
portrait manner。  The mother lay underground now; long
since forgottenthe sisters and brother had a hundred
different interests of their own; and; familiar still; were
utterly estranged from each other。  Some few score of
years afterwards; when all the parties represented are
grown old; what bitter satire there is in those flaunting
childish family…portraits; with their farce of sentiment and
smiling lies; and innocence so self…conscious and self…
satisfied。  Osborne's own state portrait; with that of his
great silver inkstand and arm…chair; had taken the place
of honour in the dining…room; vacated by the family…
To this study old Osborne retired then; greatly to the
relief of the small party whom he left。  When the
servants had withdrawn; they began to talk for a while
volubly but very low; then they went upstairs quietly;
Mr。 Bullock accompanying them stealthily on his creaking
shoes。  He had no heart to sit alone drinking wine;
and so close to the terrible old gentleman in the study
hard at hand。
An hour at least after dark; the butler; not having
received any summons; ventured to tap at his door and
take him in wax candles and tea。  The master of the
house sate in his chair; pretending to read the paper;
and when the servant; placing the lights and refreshment
on the table by him; retired; Mr。 Osborne got up and
locked the door after him。  This time there was no mistaking
the matter; all the household knew that some great
catastrophe was going to happen which was likely direly
to affect Master George。
In the large shining mahogany escritoire Mr。 Osborne
had a drawer especially devoted to his son's affairs and
papers。  Here he kept all the documents relating to him
ever since he had been a boy: here were his prize copy…
books and drawing…books; all bearing George's hand;
and that of the master:  here were his first letters in large
round…hand sending his love to papa and mamma; and
conveying his petitions for a cake。  His dear godpapa
Sedley was more than once mentioned in them。  Curses
quivered on old Osborne's livid lips; and horrid hatred
and disappointment writhed in his heart; as looking
through some of these papers he came on that name。
They were all marked and docketed; and tied with red tape。
It wasFrom Georgy; requesting 5s。; April 23; 18;
answered; April 25〃or 〃Georgy about a pony; October
13〃and so forth。 In another packet were 〃Dr。 S。's accounts〃
〃G。's tailor's bills and outfits; drafts on me by
G。 Osborne; jun。;〃 &c。his letters from the West Indies
his agent's letters; and the newspapers containing his
commissions: here was a whip he had when a boy; and in
a paper a locket containing his hair; which his mother
used to wear。
Turning one over after another; and musing over these
memorials; the unhappy man passed many hours。  His
dearest vanities; ambitious hopes; had all been here。  What
pride he had in his boy!  He was the handsomest child
ever seen。  Everybody said he was like a nobleman's
son。  A royal princess had remarked him; and kissed
him; and asked his name in Kew Gardens。  What City
man could show such another?  Could a prince have been
better cared for?  Anything that money could buy had
been his son's。  He used to go down on speech…days with
four horses and new liveries; and scatter new shillings
among the boys at the school where George was:  when
he went with George to the depot of his regiment; before
the boy embarked for Canada; he gave the officers
such a dinner as the Duke of York might have sat down
to。  Had he ever refused a bill when George drew one?
There they werepaid without a word。  Many a general
in the army couldn't ride the horses he had!  He had the
child before his eyes; on a hundred different days when
he remembered George a
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