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; landed in the evening at Karmtsund; near to Augvaldsnes; and remained there for the night。  Thorer Sel had heard of Asbjorn's voyage; and also that his vessel was deeply laden。  Thorer summoned people to him in the night; so that before daylight he had sixty men; and with these he went against Asbjorn as soon as it was light; and went out to the ship just as Asbjorn and his men were putting on their clothes。  Asbjorn saluted Thorer; and Thorer asked what kind of goods Asbjorn had in the vessel。

He replied; 〃Corn and malt。〃

Thorer said; 〃Then Erling is doing as he usually does; and despising the king's orders; and is unwearied in opposing him in all things; insomuch that it is wonderful the king suffers it。〃

Thorer went on scolding in this way; and when he was silent Asbjorn said that Erling's slaves had owned the corn。

Thorer replied hastily; that he did not regard Erling's tricks。 〃And now; Asbjorn; there is no help for it; ye must either go on shore; or we will throw you overboard; for we will not be troubled with you while we are discharging the cargo。〃

Asbjorn saw that he had not men enough to resist Thorer; therefore he and his people landed; and Thorer took the whole cargo out of the vessel。  When the vessel was discharged Thorer went through the ship; and observed。 〃Ye Halogalanders have good sails: take the old sail of our vessel and give it them; it is good enough for those who are sailing in a light vessel。〃  Thus the sails were exchanged。  When this was done Asbjorn and his comrades sailed away north along the coast; and did not stop until they reached home early in whiter。  This expedition was talked of far and wide; and Asbjorn had no trouble that winter in making feasts at home。  Thorer Hund invited Asbjorn and his mother; and also all whom they pleased to take along with him; to a Yule feast; but Asbjorn sat at home; and would not travel; and it was to be seen that Thorer thought Asbjorn despised his invitation; since he would not come。  Thorer scoffed much at Asbjorn's voyage。  〃Now;〃 said he; 〃it is evident that Asbjorn makes a great difference in his respect towards his relations; for in summer he took the greatest trouble to visit his relation Erling in Jadar; and now will not take the trouble to come to me in the next house。  I don't know if he thinks there may be a Thorer Sel in his way upon every holm。〃  Such words; and the like sarcasms; Asbjorn heard of; and very ill satisfied he was with his voyage; which had thus made him a laughing…stock to the country; and he remained at home all winter; and went to no feasts。


Asbjorn had a long…ship standing in the noust (shipshed); and it was a snekke (cutter) of twenty benches; and after Candlemas (February 2; 1023); he had the vessel put in the water; brought out all his furniture; and rigged her out。  He then summoned to him his friends and people; so that he had nearly ninety men all well armed。  When he was ready for sea; and got a wind; he sailed south along the coast; but as the wind did not suit; they advanced but slowly。  When they came farther south they steered outside the rocks; without the usual ships' channel; keeping to sea as much as it was possible to do so。  Nothing is related of his voyage before the fifth day of Easter (April 18; 1023); when; about evening; they came on the outside of Karmt Island。  This island is so shaped that it is very long; but not broad at its widest part; and without it lies the usual ships' channel。  It is thickly inhabited; but where the island is exposed to the ocean great tracts of it are uncultivated。  Asbjorn and his men landed at a place in the island that was uninhabited。  After they had set up their ship…tents Asbjorn said; 〃Now ye must remain here and wait for me。  I will go on land in the isle; and spy what news there may be which we know nothing of。〃  Asbjorn had on mean clothes; a broadbrimmed hat; a fork in his hand; but had girt on his sword under his clothes。  He went up to the land; and in through the island; and when he came upon a hillock; from which he could see the house on Augvaldsnes; and on as far as Karmtsund; he saw people in all quarters flocking together by land and by sea; and all going up to the house of Augvaldsnes。 This seemed to him extraordinary; and therefore he went up quietly to a house close by; in which servants were cooking meat。 From their conversation he discovered immediately that the king Olaf had come there to a feast; and that he had just sat down to table。  Asbjorn turned then to the feasting…room; and when he came into the ante…room one was going in and another coming out; but nobody took notice of him。  The hall…door was open; and he saw that Thorer Sel stood before the table of the high…seat。  It was getting late in the evening; and Asbjorn heard people ask Thorer what had taken place between him and Asbjorn; and Thorer had a long story about it; in which he evidently departed from the truth。  Among other things he heard a man say; 〃How did Asbjorn behave when you discharged his vessel?〃  Thorer replied; 〃When we were taking out the cargo he bore it tolerably; but not well; and when we took the sail from him he wept。〃  When Asbjorn heard this he suddenly drew his sword; rushed into the hall; and cut at Thorer。  The stroke took him in the neck; so that the head fell upon the table before the king; and the body at his feet; and the table…cloth was soiled with blood from top to bottom。  The king ordered him to be seized and taken out。  This was done。 They laid hands on Asbjorn; and took him from the hall。  The table…furniture and table…cloths were removed; and also Thorer's corpse; and all the blood wiped up。  The king was enraged to the highest; but remained quiet in speech; as he always was when in anger。


Skjalg Erlingson stood up; went before the king; and said; 〃Now may it go; as it often does; that every case will admit of alleviation。  I will pay thee the mulct for the bloodshed on account of this man; so that he may retain life and limbs。  All the rest determine and do; king; according to thy pleasure。〃

The king replies; 〃Is it not a matter of death; Skjalg; that a man break the Easter peace; and in the next place that he kills a man in the king's lodging; and in the third that he makes my feet his execution…block; although that may appear a small matter to thee and thy father?〃

Skjalg replies; 〃It is ill done; king; in as far as it displeases thee; but the deed is; otherwise; done excellently well。  But if the deed appear to thee so important; and be so contrary to thy will; yet may I expect something for my services from thee; and certainly there are many who will say that thou didst well。〃

The king replies; 〃Although thou hast made me greatly indebted to thee; Skjalg; for thy services; yet I will not for thy sake break the law; or cast away my own dignity。〃

Then Skjalg turned round; and went out of the hall。  Twelve men who had come with Skjalg all followed him; and many others went out with him。  Skjalg said to Thorarin Nefiulfson; 〃If thou wilt have me for a friend; take care that this man be not killed before Sunday。〃  Thereupon Skjalg and his men
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