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There was a man named Sigurd Thoreson; a brother of Thorer Hund of Bjarkey Island。  Sigurd was married to Sigrid Skjalg's daughter; a sister of Erling。  Their son; called Asbjorn; became as he grew up a very able man。  Sigurd dwelt at Omd in Thrandarnes; and was a very rich and respected man。  He had not gone into the king's service; and Thorer in so far had attained higher dignity than his brother; that he was the king's lenderman。  But at home; on his farm; Sigurd stood in no respect behind his brother in splendour and magnificence。  As long as heathenism prevailed; Sigurd usually had three sacrifices every year: one on winter…night's eve; one on mid…winter's eve; and the third in summer。  Although he had adopted Christianity; he continued the same custom with his feasts: he had; namely; a great friendly entertainment at harvest time; a Yule feast in winter; to which he invited many; the third feast he had about Easter; to which also he invited many guests。  He continued this fashion as long as he lived。  Sigurd died on a bed of sickness when Asbjorn was eighteen years old。  He was the only heir of his father; and he followed his father's custom of holding three festivals every year。  Soon after Asbjorn came to his heritage the course of seasons began to grow worse; and the corn harvests of the people to fail; but Asbjorn held his usual feasts; and helped himself by having old corn; and an old provision laid up of all that was useful。  But when one year had passed and another came; and the crops were no better than the year before; Sigrid wished that some if not all of the feasts should be given up。 That Asbjorn would not consent to; but went round in harvest among his friends; buying corn where he could get it; and some he received in presents。  He thus kept his feasts this winter also; but the spring after people got but little seed into the ground; for they had to buy the seed…corn。  Then Sigurd spoke of diminishing the number of their house…servants。  That Asbjorn would not consent to; but held by the old fashion of the house in all things。  In summer (A。D。 1022) it appeared again that there would be a bad year for corn; and to this came the report from the south that King Olaf prohibited all export of corn; malt; or meal from the southern to the northern parts of the country。  Then Asbjorn perceived that it would be difficult to procure what was necessary for a house…keeping; and resolved to put into the water a vessel for carrying goods which he had; and which was large enough to go to sea with。  The ship was good; all that belonged to her was of the best; and in the sails were stripes of cloth of various colours。  Asbjorn made himself ready for a voyage; and put to sea with twenty men。  They sailed from the north in summer; and nothing is told of their voyage until one day; about the time the days begin to shorten; they came to Karmtsund; and landed at Augvaldsnes。  Up in the island Karmt there is a large farm; not far from the sea; and a large house upon it called Augvaldsnes; which was a king's house; with an excellent farm; which Thorer Sel; who was the king's bailiff; had under his management。  Thorer was a man of low birth; but had swung himself up in the world as an active man; and he was polite in speech; showy in clothes; and fond of distinction; and not apt to give way to others; in which he was supported by the favour of the king。  He was besides quick in speech; straightforward; and free in conversation。  Asbjorn; with his company; brought up there for the night; and in the morning; when it was light; Thorer went down to the vessel with some men; and inquired who commanded the splendid ship。  Asbjorn named his own and his father's name。  Thorer asks where the voyage was intended for; and what was the errand。

Asbjorn replies; that he wanted to buy corn and malt; saying; as was true; that it was a very dear time north in the country。  〃But we are told that here the seasons are good; and wilt thou; farmer; sell us corn?  I see that here are great corn stacks; and it would be very convenient if we had not to travel farther。〃

Thorer replies; 〃I will give thee the information that thou needst not go farther to buy corn; or travel about here in Rogaland; for I can tell thee that thou must turn about; and not travel farther; for the king forbids carrying corn out of this to the north of the country。  Sail back again; Halogalander; for that will be thy safest course。〃

Asbjorn replies; 〃If it be so; bonde; as thou sayest; that we can get no corn here to buy; I will; notwithstanding; go forward upon my errand; and visit my family in Sole; and see my relation Erling's habitation。〃

Thorer: 〃How near is thy relationship to Erling?〃

Asbjorn: 〃My mother is his sister。〃

Thorer: 〃It may be that I have spoken heedlessly; if so be that thou art sister's son of Erling。〃

Thereupon Asbjorn and his crew struck their tents; and turned the ship to sea。  Thorer called after them。 〃A good voyage; and come here again on your way back。〃  Asbjorn promised to do so; sailed away; and came in the evening to Jadar。  Asbjorn went on shore with ten men; the other ten men watched the ship。  When Asbjorn came to the house he was very well received; and Erling was very glad to see him; placed him beside himself; and asked him all the news in the north of the country。  Asbjorn concealed nothing of his business from him; and Erling said it happened unfortunately that the king had just forbid the sale of corn。  〃And I know no man here。〃 says he; 〃who has courage to break the king's order; and I find it difficult to keep well with the king; so many are trying to break our friendship。〃

Asbjorn replies; 〃It is late before we learn the truth。  In my childhood I was taught that my mother was freeborn throughout her whole descent; and that Erling of Sole was her boldest relation; and now I hear thee say that thou hast not the freedom; for the king's slaves here in Jadar; to do with thy own corn what thou pleasest。〃

Erling looked at him; smiled through his teeth; and said; 〃Ye Halogalanders know less of the king's power than we do here; but a bold man thou mayst be at home in thy conversation。  Let us now drink; my friend; and we shall see tomorrow what can be done in thy business。〃

They did so; and were very merry all the evening。  The following day Erling and Asbjorn talked over the matter again; and Erling said。 〃I have found out a way for you to purchase corn; Asbjorn。 It is the same thing to you whoever is the seller。〃  He answered that he did not care of whom he bought the corn; if he got a good right to his purchase。  Erling said。 〃It appears to me probable that my slaves have quite as much corn as you require to buy; and they are not subject to law; or land regulation; like other men。〃 Asbjorn agreed to the proposal。  The slaves were now spoken to about the purchase; and they brought forward corn and malt; which they sold to Asbjorn; so that he loaded his vessel with what he wanted。  When he was ready for sea Erling followed him on the road; made him presents of friendship; and they took a kind farewell of each other。  Asbjorn got a good breeze; landed in the evening
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