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ng; and proposed him to the bondes as king。  Then Hakon himself stood up and spoke; and the people said to each other; two and two; as they heard him; 〃Herald Harfager is come again; grown and young。〃 The beginning of Hakon's speech was; that he offered himself to the bondes as king; and desired from them the title of king; and aid and forces to defend the kingdom。  He promised; on the other hand; to make all the bondes udal…holders; and give every man udal rights to the land he lived on。  This speech met such joyful applause; that the whole public cried and shouted that they would take him to be king。  And so it was that the Throndhjem people took Hakon; who was then fifteen years old; for king; and he took a court or bodyguard; and servants; and proceeded through the country。  The news reached the Uplands that the people in Throndhjem had taken to themselves a king; who in every respect was like King Harald Harfager;  with the difference; that Harald had made all the people of the land vassals; and unfree; but this Hakon wished well to every man; and offered the bondes to give them their udal rights again; which Harald had taken from them。  All were rejoiced at this news; and it passed from mouth to mouth;  it flew; like fire in dry grass; through the whole land; and eastward to the land's end。  Many bondes came from the Uplands to meet King Hakon。  Some sent messengers; some tokens; and all to the same effect  that his men they would be: and the king received all thankfully。


Early in winter (935); the king went to the Uplands; and summoned the people to a Thing; and there streamed all to him who could come。  He was proclaimed king at every Thing; and then he proceeded eastward to Viken; where his brother's sons; Trygve and Gudrod; and many others; came unto him; and complained of the sorrow and evil his brother Eirik had wrought。  The hatred to King Eirik grew more and more; the more liking all men took to King Hakon; and they got more boldness to say what they thought。 King Hakon gave Trygve and Gudrod the title of kings; and the dominions which King Harald had bestowed on their fathers。  Trygve got Ranrike and Vingulmark; and Gudrod; Vestfold; but as they were young; and in the years of childhood; he appointed able men to rule the land for them。  He gave them the country on the same conditions as it had been given before;  that they should have half of the scat and revenues with him。  Towards spring King Hakon returned north; over the Uplands; to Throndhjem。


King Hakon; early in spring; collected a great army at Throndhjem; and fitted out ships。  The people of Viken also had a great force on foot; and intended to join Hakon。  King Eirik also levied people in the middle of the country; but it went badly with him to gather people; for the leading men left him; and went over to Hakon。  As he saw himself not nearly strong enough to oppose Hakon; he sailed (A。D。 935) out to the West sea with such men as would follow him。  He first sailed to Orkney; and took many people with him from that country; and then went south towards England; plundering in Scotland; and in the north parts of England; wherever he could land。  Athelstan; the king of England; sent a message to Eirik; offering him dominions under him in England; saying that King Harald his father was a good friend of King Athelstan; and therefore he would do kindly towards his sons。  Messengers passed between the two kings; and it came to an agreement that King Eirik should take Northumberland as a fief from King Athelstan; and which land he should defend against the Danes or other vikings。  Eirik should let himself be baptized; together with his wife and children; and all the people who had followed him。  Eirik accepted this offer; and was baptized; and adopted the right faith。  Northumberland is called a fifth part of England。  Eirik had his residence at York; where Lodbrok's sons; it was said; had formerly been; and Northumberland was principally inhabited by Northmen。 Since Lodbrok's sons had taken the country; Danes and Northmen often plundered there; when the power of the land was out of their hands。  Many names of places in the country are Norwegian; as Grimsby; Haukfliot; and many others。


King Eirik had many people about him; for he kept many Northmen who had come with him from the East; and also many of his friends had joined him from Norway。  But as he had little land; he went on a cruise every summer; and plundered in Scotland; the Hebrides; Ireland; and Bretland; by which he gathered property。 King Athelstan died on a sick bed; after a reign of fourteen years; eight weeds; and three days。  After him his brother Jatmund was king of England; and he was no friend to the Northmen。  King Eirik; also; was in no great favour with him; and the word went about that King Jatmund would set another chief over Northumberland。  Now when King Eirik heard this; he set off on a viking cruise to the westward; and from the Orkneys took with him the Earls Arnkel and Erlend; the sons of Earl Torfeinar。 Then he sailed to the Hebrides; where there were many vikings and troop…kings; who joined their men to his。  With all this force he steered to Ireland first; where he took with him all the men he could; and then to Bretland; and plundered; and sailed thereafter south to England; and marauded there as elsewhere。  The people fled before him wherever he appeared。  As King Eirik was a bold warrior; and had a great force; he trusted so much to his people that he penetrated far inland in the country; following and plundering the fugitives。  King Jatmund had set a king; who was called Olaf; to defend the land; and he gathered an innumerable mass of people; with whom he marched against King Eirik。  A dreadfu1 battle ensued; in which many Englishmen fell; but for one who fell came three in his place out of the country behind; and when evening came on the loss of men turned on the side of the Northmen; and many people fell。  Towards the end of the day; King Eirik and five kings with him fell。  Three of them were Guthorm and his two sons; Ivar and Harek: there fell; also; Sigurd and Ragnvald; and with them Torfeinar's two sons; Arnkel and Erlend。  Besides these; there was a great slaughter of Northmen; and those who escaped went to Northumberland; and brought the news to Gunhild and her sons (A。D。 941)。


When Gunhild and her sons knew for certain that King Eirik had fallen; after having plundered the land of the King of England; they thought there was no peace to be expected for them; and they made themselves ready to depart from Northumberland; with all the ships King Eirik had left; and all the men who would go with them。  They took also all the loose property; and goods which they had gathered partly as taxes in England; partly as booty on their expeditions。  With their army they first steered northward to Orkney; where Thorfin Hausakljufer was earl; a son of Torfeinar; and took up their station there for a time。  Eirik's sons subdued these islands and Hjaltland; took scat for themselves; and staid there all the winter; but went on 
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