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 these islands and Hjaltland; took scat for themselves; and staid there all the winter; but went on viking cruises in summer to the West; and plundered in Scotland and Ireland。  About this Glum Geirason sings: 

     〃The hero who knows well to ride      The sea…horse o'er the foamingtide;       He who in boyhood wild rode o'er      The seaman's horse to Skanea's shore。      And showed the Danes his galley's bow;      Right nobly scours the ocean now。      On Scotland's coast he lights the brand      Of flaming war; with conquering hand      Drives many a Scottish warrior tall      To the bright seats in Odin's hall。      The fire…spark; by the fiend of war      Fanned to a flame; soon spreads afar。      Crowds trembling fly;  the southern foes      Fall thick beneath the hero's blows:      The hero's blade drips red with gore;      Staining the green sward on the shore。〃


When King Eirik had left the country; King Hakon; Athelstan's foster…son; subdued the whole of Norway。  The first winter (A。D。 936) he visited the western parts; and then went north; and settled in Throndhjem。  But as no peace could be reasonably looked for so long as King Eirik with his forces could come to Norway from the West sea; he set himself with his men…at…arms in the middle of the country;  in the Fjord district; or in Sogn; or Hordaland; or Rogaland。  Hakon placed Sigurd earl of Hlader over the whole Throradhjem district; as he and his father had before had it under Harald Harfager。  When King Hakon heard of his brother Eirik's death; and also that his sons had no footing in England; he thought there was not much to fear from them; and he went with his troops one summer eastward to Viken。  At that time the Danes plundered often in Viken; and wrought much evil there; but when they heard that King Hakon was come with a great army; they got out of the way; to Halland; and those who were nearest to King Hakon went out to sea; and over to Jotland (Jutland)。  When the king heard of this; he sailed after them with all his army。  On arriving in Jutland he plundered all round; and when the country people heard of it; they assembled in a great body; and determined to defend their land; and fight。 There was a great battle; and King Hakon fought so boldly; that he went forward before his banner without helmet or coat of mail。 King Hakon won the victory; and drove the fugitives far up the country。  So says Guthorm Sindre; in his song of Hakon: 

     〃Furrowing the deep…blue sea with oars;      The king pursues to Jutland's shores。      They met; and in the battle storm      Of clashing shields; full many a form      Of goodly warrior on the plain;      Full many a corpse by Hakon slain;      Glutted the ravens; who from far;      Scenting the banquet…feast of war;      Came in black flocks to Jutland's plains      To drink the blood…wine from the veins。〃


Then Hakon steered southwards with his fleet to seek the vikings; and so on to Sealand。  He rowed with two cutters into the Eyrarsund; where he found eleven viking ships; and instantly attacked them。  It ended in his gaining the victory; and clearing the viking ships of all their men。  So says Guthorm Sindre:  

     〃Hakon the Brave; whose skill all know      To bend in battle storm the bow;      Rushed o'er the waves to Sealand's tongue;      His two war…ships with gilt shields hung;      And cleared the decks with his blue sword      That rules the fate of war; on board      Eleven ships of the Vindland men。       Famous is Hakon's name since then。〃


Thereafter King Hakon carried war far and wide in Sealand; plundering some; slaying others; taking some prisoners of war; taking ransom from others; and all without opposition。  Then Hakon proceeded along the coast of Skane; pillaging everywhere; levying taxes and ransome from the country; and killing all vikings; both Danish and Vindish。  He then went eastwards to the district of Gautland; marauded there; and took great ransom from the country。  So says Guthorm Sindre: 

     〃Hakon; who midst the battle shock      Stands like a firmly…rooted oak;      Subdued all Sealand with the sword:      From Vindland vikings the sea…bord      Of Scania swept; and; with the shield      Of Odin clad; made Gautland yield      A ransom of the ruddy gold;      Which Hakon to his war…men bold      Gave with free hand; who in his feud      Against the arrow…storm had stood。〃

King Hakon returned back in autumn with his army and an immense booty; and remained all the winter (A。D。 946) in Viken to defend it against the Danes and Gautlanders; if they should attack it。


In the same winter King Trygve Olafson returned from a viking cruise in the West sea; having before ravaged in Ireland and Scotland。  In spring (A。D。 946) King Hakon went north; and set his brother's son; King Trygve; over Viken to defend that country against enemies。  He gave him also in property all that he could reconquer of the country in Denmark; which the summer before King Hakon had subjected to payment of scat to him。  So says Guthorm: 

     〃King Hakon; whose sharp sword dyes red      The bright steel cap on many a head;      Has set a warrior brave and stout      The foreign foeman to keep out;       To keep that green land safe from war      Which black Night bore to dwarf Annar (1)。      For many a carle whose trade's to wield      The battle…axe; and swing the shield;      On the swan's ocean…skates has come;      In white…winged ships; across the foam;       Across the sea; from far Ireland;      To war against the Norseman's land。〃

ENDNOTES: (1)  The dwarf Annar was the husband of Night; and Earth was      their daughter。  L。


King Harald Gormson ruled over Denmark at that time。  He took it much amiss that King Hakon had made war in his dominions; and the report went that he would take revenge; but this did not take place so soon。 When Gunhild and her sons heard there was enmity between Denmark and Norway; they began to turn their course from the West。  They married King Eirik's daughter; Ragnhild; to Arnfin; a son of Thorfin Hausakljufer; and as soon as Eirik's sons went away; Thorfin took the earldom again over the Orkney Islands。  Gamle Eirikson was somewhat older than the other brothers; but still he was not a grown man。  When Gunhild and her sons came from the westward to Denmark; they were well received by King Harald。  He gave them great fiefs in his kingdom; so that they could maintain themselves and their men very well。  He also took Harald Eirikson to be his foster…son; set him on his knee; and thereafter he was brought up at the Danish king's court。  Some of Eirik's sons went out on viking expeditions as soon as they were old enough; and gathered property; ravaging all around in the East sea。  They grew up quickly to be handsome men; and far beyond their years in strength and perfection。  Glum Geirason tells of one of them in the Grafeld song: 

     〃I've heard that; on the Eastland coast;      Great victories were won and lost。      The king; whose hand is ever graced      With gift to skald
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