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ingdom; as before related; with his brother Olaf。  The same autumn he went with an army to Vingulmark against King Gandalf。  They had many battles; and sometimes one; sometimes the other gained the victory; but at last they agreed that Halfdan should have half of Vingulmark; as his father Gudrod had had it before。 Then King Halfdan proceeded to Raumarike; and subdued it。  King Sigtryg; son of King Eystein; who then had his residence in Hedemark; and who had subdued Raumarike before; having heard of this; came out with his army against King Halfdan; and there was great battle; in which King Halfdan was victorious; and just as King Sigtryg and his troops were turning about to fly; an arrow struck him under the left arm; and he fell dead。  Halfdan then laid the whole of Raumarike under his power。  King Eystein's second son; King Sigtryg's brother; was also called Eystein; and was then king in Hedemark。  As soon as Halfdan had returned to Vestfold; King Eystein went out with his army to Raumarike; and laid the whole country in subjection to him


When King Halfdan heard of these disturbances in Raumarike; he again gathered his army together; and went out against King Eystein。  A battle took place between them; and Halfdan gained the victory; and Eystein fled up to Hedemark; pursued by Halfdan。 Another battle took place; in which Halfdan was again victorious; and Eystein fled northwards; up into the Dales to the herse Gudbrand。  There he was strengthened with new people; and in winter he went towards Hedemark; and met Halfdan the Black upon a large island which lies in the Mjosen lake。  There a great battle was fought; and many people on both sides were slain; but Halfdan won the victory。  There fell Guthorm; the son of the herse Gudbrand; who was one of the finest men in the Uplands。  Then Eystein fled north up the valley; and sent his relation Halvard Skalk to King Halfdan to beg for peace。 On consideration of their relationship; King Halfdan gave King Eystein half of Hedemark; which he and his relations had held before; but kept to himself Thoten; and the district called Land。  He likewise appropriated to himself Hadeland; and thus became a mighty king。


Halfdan the Black got a wife called Ragnhild; a daughter of Harald Gulskeg (Goldbeard); who was a king in Sogn。  They had a son; to whom Harald gave his own name; and the boy was brought up in Sogn; by his mother's father; King Harald。  Now when this Harald had lived out his days nearly; and was become weak; having no son; he gave his dominions to his daughter's son Harald; and gave him his title of king; and he died soon after。  The same winter his daughter Ragnhild died; and the following spring the young Harald fell sick and died at ten years of age。  As soon as Halfdan the Black heard of his son's death; he took the road northwards to Sogn with a great force; and was well received。  He claimed the heritage and dominion after his son; and no opposition being made; he took the whole kingdom。  Earl Atle Mjove (the Slender); who was a friend of King Halfdan; came to him from Gaular; and the king set him over the Sogn district; to judge in the country according to the country's laws; and collect scat upon the king's account。  Thereafter King Halfdan proceeded to his kingdom in the Uplands。


In autumn; King Halfdan proceeded to Vingulmark。  One night when he was there in guest quarters; it happened that about midnight a man came to him who had been on the watch on horseback; and told him a war force was come near to the house。  The king instantly got up; ordered his men to arm themselves; and went out of the house and drew them up in battle order。  At the same moment; Gandalf's sons; Hysing and Helsing; made their appearance with a large army。  There was a great battle; but Halfdan being overpowered by the numbers of people fled to the forest; leaving many of his men on this spot。  His foster…father; Olver Spake (the Wise); fell here。  The people now came in swarms to King Halfdan; and he advanced to seek Gandalf's sons。  They met at Eid; near Lake Oieren; and fought there。  Hysing and Helsing fell; and their brother Hake saved himself by flight。  King Halfdan then took possession of the whole of Vingulmark; and Hake fled to Alfheimar。


Sigurd Hjort was the name of a king in Ringerike; who was stouter and stronger than any other man; and his equal could not be seen for a handsome appearance。  His father was Helge Hvasse (the Sharp); and his mother was Aslaug; a daughter of Sigurd the worm… eyed; who again was a son of Ragnar Lodbrok。  It is told of Sigurd that when he was only twelve years old he killed in single combat the berserk Hildebrand; and eleven others of his comrades; and many are the deeds of manhood told of him in a long saga about his feats。  Sigurd had two children; one of whom was a daughter; called Ragnhild; then twenty years of age; and an excellent brisk girl。  Her brother Guthorm was a youth。  It is related in regard to Sigurd's death that he had a custom of riding out quite alone in the uninhabited forest to hunt the wild beasts that are hurtful to man; and he was always very eager at this sport。  One day he rode out into the forest as usual; and when he had ridden a long way he came out at a piece of cleared land near to Hadeland。  There the berserk Hake came against him with thirty men; and they fought。  Sigurd Hjort fell there; after killing twelve of Hake's men; and Hake himself lost one hand; and had three other wounds。  Then Hake and his men rode to Sigurd's house; where they took his daughter Ragnhild and her brother Guthorm; and carried them; with much property and valuable articles; home to Hadeland; where Hake had many great farms。  He ordered a feast to be prepared; intending to hold his wedding with Ragnhild; but the time passed on account of his wounds; which healed slowly; and the berserk Hake of Hadeland had to keep his bed; on account of his wounds; all the autumn and beginning of winter。  Now King Halfdan was in Hedemark at the Yule entertainments when he heard this news; and one morning early; when the king was dressed; he called to him Harek Gand; and told him to go over to Hadeland; and bring him Ragnhild; Sigurd Hjort's daughter。  Harek got ready with a hundred men; and made his journey so that they came over the lake to Hake's house in the grey of the morning; and beset all the doors and stairs of the places where the house…servants slept。  Then they broke into the sleeping…room where Hake slept; took Ragnhild; with her brother Guthorm; and all the goods that were there; and set fire to the house…servants' place; and burnt all the people in it。  Then they covered over a magnificent waggon; placed Ragnhild and Guthorm in it; and drove down upon the ice。  Hake got up and went after them a while; but when he came to the ice on the lake; he turned his sword…hilt to the ground and let himself fall upon the point; so that the sword went through him。  He was buried under a mound on the banks of the lake。  When King Halfdan; who was very quick of sight; saw the party retu
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