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 mound on the banks of the lake。  When King Halfdan; who was very quick of sight; saw the party returning over the frozen lake; and with a covered waggon; he knew that their errand was accomplished according to his desire。  Thereupon he ordered the tables to be set out; and sent people all round in the neighbourhood to invite plenty of guests; and the same day there was a good feast which was also Halfdan's marriage…feast with Ragnhild; who became a great queen。  Ragnhild's mother was Thorny; a daughter of Klakharald king in Jutland; and a sister of Thrye Dannebod who was married to the Danish king; Gorm the Old; who then ruled over the Danish dominions。


Ragnhild; who was wise and intelligent; dreamt great dreams。  She dreamt; for one; that she was standing out in her herb…garden; and she took a thorn out of her shift; but while she was holding the thorn in her hand it grew so that it became a great tree; one end of which struck itself down into the earth; and it became firmly rooted; and the other end of the tree raised itself so high in the air that she could scarcely see over it; and it became also wonderfully thick。  The under part of the tree was red with blood; but the stem upwards was beautifully green and the branches white as snow。  There were many and great limbs to the tree; some high up; others low down; and so vast were the tree's branches that they seemed to her to cover all Norway; and even much more。


King Halfdan never had dreams; which appeared to him an extraordinary circumstance; and he told it to a man called Thorleif Spake (the Wise); and asked him what his advice was about it。  Thorleif said that what he himself did; when he wanted to have any revelation by dream; was to take his sleep in a swine…sty; and then it never failed that he had dreams。  The king did so; and the following dream was revealed to him。  He thought he had the most beautiful hair; which was all in ringlets; some so long as to fall upon the ground; some reaching to the middle of his legs; some to his knees; some to his loins or the middle of his sides; some to his neck; and some were only as knots springing from his head。  These ringlets were of various colours; but one ringlet surpassed all the others in beauty; lustre; and size。  This dream he told to Thorleif; who interpreted it thus:  There should be a great posterity from him; and his descendants should rule over countries with great; but not all with equally great; honour; but one of his race should be more celebrated than all the others。  It was the opinion of people that this ringlet betokened King Olaf the Saint。

King Halfdan was a wise man; a man of truth and uprightness  who made laws; observed them himself; and obliged others to observe them。  And that violence should not come in place of the laws; he himself fixed the number of criminal acts in law; and the compensations; mulcts; or penalties; for each case; according to every one's birth and dignity (1)。

Queen Ragnhild gave birth to a son; and water was poured over him; and the name of Harald given him; and he soon grew stout and remarkably handsome。  As he grew up he became very expert at all feats; and showed also a good understanding。  He was much beloved by his mother; but less so by his father。


(1)  The penalty; compensation; or manbod for every injury; due      the party injured; or to his family and next of kin if the      injury was the death or premeditated murder of the party;      appears to have been fixed for every rank and condition;      from the murder of the king down to the maiming or beating a      man's cattle or his slave。  A man for whom no compensation      was due was a dishonored person; or an outlaw。  It appears      to have been optional with the injured party; or his kin if      he had been killed; to take the mulct or compensation; or to      refuse it; and wait for an opportunity of taking vengeance      for the injury on the party who inflicted it; or on his kin。      A part of each mulct or compensation was due to the king;      and; these fines or penalties appear to have constituted a      great proportion of the king's revenues; and to have been      settled in the Things held in every district for      administering the law with the lagman。  L。


King Halfdan was at a Yule…feast in Hadeland; where a wonderful thing happened one Yule evening。  When the great number of guests assembled were going to sit down to table; all the meat and all the ale disappeared from the table。  The king sat alone very confused in mind; all the others set off; each to his home; in consternation。  That the king might come to some certainty about what had occasioned this event; he ordered a Fin to be seized who was particularly knowing; and tried to force him to disclose the truth; but however much he tortured the man; he got nothing out of him。  The Fin sought help particularly from Harald; the king's son; and Harald begged for mercy for him; but in vain。  Then Harald let him escape against the king's will; and accompanied the man himself。  On their journey they came to a place where the man's chief had a great feast; and it appears they were well received there。  When they had been there until spring; the chief said; 〃Thy father took it much amiss that in winter I took some provisions from him;  now I will repay it to thee by a joyful piece of news: thy father is dead; and now thou shalt return home; and take possession of the whole kingdom which he had; and with it thou shalt lay the whole kingdom of Norway under thee。〃


Halfdan the Black was driving from a feast in Hadeland; and it so happened that his road lay over the lake called Rand。  It was in spring; and there was a great thaw。  They drove across the bight called Rykinsvik; where in winter there had been a pond broken in the ice for cattle to drink at; and where the dung had fallen upon the ice the thaw had eaten it into holes。  Now as the king drove over it the ice broke; and King Halfdan and many with him perished。  He was then forty years old。  He had been one of the most fortunate kings in respect of good seasons。  The people thought so much of him; that when his death was known and his body was floated to Ringerike to bury it there; the people of most consequence from Raumarike; Vestfold; and Hedemark came to meet it。  All desired to take the body with them to bury it in their own district; and they thought that those who got it would have good crops to expect。  At last it was agreed to divide the body into four parts。  The head was laid in a mound at Stein in Ringerike; and each of the others took his part home and laid it in a mound; and these have since been called Halfdan's Mounds。



Harald (1) was but ten years old when he succeeded his father (Halfdan the Black)。  He became a stout; strong; and comely man; and withal prudent and manly。  His mother's brother; Guthorm; was leader of the hird; at the head of the government; and commander (‘hertogi') of the army。  After Halfdan the Black's deat
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