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t the head of the government; and commander (‘hertogi') of the army。  After Halfdan the Black's death; many chiefs coveted the dominions he had left。  Among these King Gandalf was the first; then Hogne and Frode; sons of Eystein; king of Hedemark; and also Hogne Karuson came from Ringerike。  Hake; the son of Gandalf; began with an expedition of 300 men against Vestfold; marched by the main road through some valleys; and expected to come suddenly upon King Harald; while his father Gandalf sat at home with his army; and prepared to cross over the fiord into Vestfold。  When Duke Guthorm heard of this he gathered an army; and marched up the country with King Harald against Hake。  They met in a valley; in which they fought a great battle; and King Harald was victorious; and there fell King Hake and most of his people。  The place has since been called Hakadale。  Then King Harald and Duke Guthorm turned back; but they found King Gandalf had come to Vestfold。  The two armies marched against each other; and met; and had a great battle; and it ended in King Gandalf flying; after leaving most of his men dead on the spot; and in that state he came back to his kingdom。  Now when the sons of King Eystein in Hedemark heard the news; they expected the war would come upon them; and they sent a message to Hogne Karuson and to Herse Gudbrand; and appointed a meeting with them at Ringsaker in Hedemark。

ENDNOTES: (1)  The first twenty chapters of this saga refer to Harald's      youth and his conquest of Norway。  This portion of the saga      is of great importance to the Icelanders; as the settlement      of their Isle was a result of Harald's wars。  The second      part of the saga (chaps。 21…46) treats of the disputes      between Harald's sons; of the jarls of Orkney; and of the      jarls of More。  With this saga we enter the domain of      history。  Ed。


After the battle King Harald and Guthorm turned back; and went with all the men they could gather through the forests towards the Uplands。  They found out where the Upland kings had appointed their meeting…place; and came there about the time of midnight; without the watchmen observing them until their army was before the door of the house in which Hogne Karuson was; as well as that in which Gudbrand slept。  They set fire to both houses; but King Eystein's two sons slipped out with their men; and fought for a while; until both Hogne and Frode fell。  After the fall of these four chiefs; King Harald; by his relation Guthorm's success and powers; subdued Hedemark; Ringerike; Gudbrandsdal; Hadeland; Thoten; Raumarike; and the whole northern part of Vingulmark。  King Harald and Guthorm had thereafter war with King Gandalf; and fought several battles with him; and in the last of them King Gandalf was slain; and King Harald took the whole of his kingdom as far south as the river Raum。


King Harald sent his men to a girl called Gyda; daughter of King Eirik of Hordaland; who was brought up as foster…child in the house of a great bonde in Valdres。  The king wanted her for his concubine; for she was a remarkably handsome girl; but of high spirit withal。  Now when the messengers came there; and delivered their errand to the girl; she answered; that she would not throw herself away even to take a king for her husband; who had no greater kingdom to rule over than a few districts。  〃And methinks;〃 said she; 〃it is wonderful that no king here in Norway will make the whole country subject to him; in the same way as Gorm the Old did in Denmark; or Eirik at Upsala。〃  The messengers thought her answer was dreadfully haughty; and asked what she thought would come of such an answer; for Harald was so mighty a man; that his invitation was good enough for her。  But although she had replied to their errand differently from what they wished; they saw no chance; on this occasion; of taking her with them against her will; so they prepared to return。  When they were ready; and the people followed them out; Gyda said to the messengers; 〃Now tell to King Harald these my words。  I will only agree to be his 1awful wife upon the condition that he shall first; for my sake; subject to himself the whole of Norway; so that he may rule over that kingdom as freely and fully as King Eirik over the Swedish dominions; or King Gorm over Denmark; for only then; methinks; can he be called the king of a people。〃


Now came the messengers back to King Harald; bringing him the words of the girl; and saying she was so bold and foolish that she well deserved that the king should send a greater troop of people for her; and inflict on her some disgrace。  Then answered the king; 〃This girl has not spoken or done so much amiss that she should be punished; but rather she should be thanked for her words。  She has reminded me;〃 said he; 〃of something which it appears to me wonderful I did not think of before。  And now;〃 added he; 〃I make the solemn vow; and take God to witness; who made me and rules over all things; that never shall I clip or comb my hair until I have subdued the whole of Norway; with scat (1); and duties; and domains; or if not; have died in the attempt。〃  Guthorm thanked the king warmly for his vow; adding; that it was royal work to fulfil royal words。

ENDNOTES: (1)  Scat was a land…tax; paid to the king in money; malt; meal;      or flesh…meat; from all lands; and was adjudged by the Thing      to each king upon his accession; and being proposed and      accepted as king。


After this the two relations gather together a great force; and prepare for an expedition to the Uplands; and northwards up the valley (Gudbrandsdal); and north over Dovrefjeld; and when the king came down to the inhabited land he ordered all the men to be killed; and everything wide around to be delivered to the flames。  And when the people came to know this; they fled every one where he could; some down the country to Orkadal; some to Gaulardal; some to the forests。  But some begged for peace; and obtained it; on condition of joining the king and becoming his men。  He met no opposition until he came to Orkadal。  There a crowd of people had assembled; and he had his first battle with a king called Gryting。  Harald won the victory; and King Gryting was made prisoner; and most of his people killed。  He took service himself under the king; and swore fidelity to him。  Thereafer all the people in Orkadal district went under King Harald; and became his men。


King Harald made this law over all the lands he conquered; that all the udal property should belong to him; and that the bondes; both great and small; should pay him land dues for their possessions。  Over every district he set an earl to judge according to the law of the land and to justice; and also to collect the land dues and the fines; and for this each earl received a third part of the dues; and services; and fines; for the support of his table and other expenses。  Each earl had under him four or more herses; each of whom had an estate of twenty marks yearly income bestowed on him and was bound to support 
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