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as enemies parted as friends; and Gudbrand built a church in the valley。


King Olaf proceeded from thence to Hedemark; and baptized there; but as he had formerly carried away their kings as prisoners; he did not venture himself; after such a deed; to go far into the country with few people at that time; but a small part of Hedemark was baptized; but the king did not desist from his expedition before he had introduced Christianity over all Hedemark; consecrated churches; and placed teachers。  He then went to Hadaland and Thoten; improving the customs of the people; and persisting until all the country was baptized。  He then went to Ringerike; where also all people went over to Christianity。 The people of Raumarike then heard that Olaf intended coming to them; and they gathered a great force。  They said among themselves that the journey Olaf had made among them the last time was not to be forgotten; and he should never proceed so again。  The king; notwithstanding; prepared for the journey。  Now when the king went up into Raumarike with his forces; the multitude of bondes came against him at a river called Nitja; and the bondes had a strong army; and began the battle as soon as they met; but they soon fell short; and took to flight。  They were forced by this battle into a better disposition; and immediately received Christianity; and the king scoured the whole district; and did not leave it until all the people were made Christians。  He then went east to Soleys; and baptized that neighbourhood。  The skald Ottar Black came to him there; and begged to be received among his men。  Olaf the Swedish king had died the winter before (A。D。 1021); and Onund; the son of Olaf; was now the sole king over all Sweden。  King Olaf returned; when the winter (A。D。 1022) was far advanced; to Raumarike。  There he assembled a numerous Thing; at a place where the Eidsvold Things have since been held。  He made a law; that the Upland people should resort to this Thing; and that Eidsvold laws should be good through all the districts of the Uplands; and wide around in other quarters; which also has taken place。  As spring was advancing; he rigged his ships; and went by sea to Tunsberg。  He remained there during the spring; and the time the town was most frequented; and goods from other countries were brought to the town for sale。  There had been a good year in Viken; and tolerable as far north as Stad; but it was a very dear time in all the country north of there。


In spring (A。D。 1022) King Olaf sent a message west to Agder; and north all the way to Hordaland and Rogaland; prohibiting the exporting or selling of corn; malt; or meal; adding; that he; as usual; would come there with his people in guest…quarters。  The message went round all the districts; but the king remained in Viken all summer; and went east to the boundary of the country。 Einar Tambaskelfer had been with the Swedish king Olaf since the death of his relation Earl Svein; and had; as the khag's man; received great fiefs from him。  Now that the king was dead; Einar had a great desire to come into friendship agreement with Olaf; and the same spring messages passed between them about it。  While the king was lying in the Gaut river; Einar Tambaskelfer came there with some men; and after treating about an agreement; it was settled that Einar should go north to Throndhjem; and there take possession of all the lands and property which Bergliot had received in dower。  Thereupon Einar took his way north; but the king remained behind in Viken; and remained long in Sarpsborg in autumn (A。D。 1022); and during the first part of winter。


Erling Skjalgson held his dominion so; that all north from Sogn Lake; and east to the Naze; the bondes stood under him; and although he had much smaller royal fiefs than formerly; still so great a dread of him prevailed that nobody dared to do anything against his will; so that the king thought his power too great。 There was a man called Aslak Fitiaskalle; who was powerful and of high birth。  Erling's father Skjalg; and Aslak's father Askel; were brother's sons。  Aslak was a great friend of King Olaf; and the king settled him in South Hordaland; where he gave him a great fief; and great income; and ordered him in no respect to give way to Erling。  But this came to nothing when the king was not in the neighbourhood; for then Erling would reign as he used to do; and was not more humble because Aslak would thrust himself forward as his equal。  At last the strife went so far that Aslak could not keep his place; but hastened to King Olaf; and told him the circumstances between him and Erling。  The king told Aslak to remain with him until he should meet Erling; and sent a message to Erling that he should come to him in spring at Tunsberg。  When they all arrived there they held a meeting at which the king said to him; 〃It is told me concerning thy government; Erling; that no man from Sogn Lake to the Naze can enjoy his freedom for thee; although there are many men there who consider themselves born to udal rights; and have their privileges like others born as they are。  Now; here is your relation Aslak; who appears to have suffered great inconvenience from your conduct; and I do not know whether he himself is in fault; or whether he suffers because I have placed him to defend what is mine; and although I name him; there are many others who have brought the same complaint before us; both among those who are placed in office in our districts; and among the bailiffs who have our farms to manage; and are obliged to entertain me and my people。〃

Erling replies to this; 〃I will answer at once。  I deny altogether that I have ever injured Aslak; or any one else; for being in your service; but this I will not deny; that it is now; as it has long been; that each of us relations will willingly be greater than the other: and; moreover; I freely acknowledge that I am ready to bow my neck to thee; King Olaf; but it is more difficult for me to stoop before one who is of slave descent in all his generation; although he is now your bailiff; or before others who are but equal to him in descent; although you bestow honours on them。〃

Now the friends of both interfered; and entreated that they would be reconciled; saying; that the king never could have such powerful aid as from Erling; 〃if he was your friend entirely。〃  On the other hand; they represent to Erling that he should give up to the king; for if he was in friendship with the king; it would be easy to do with all the others what he pleased。  The meeting accordingly ended so that Erling should retain the fiefs he formerly had; and every complaint the king had against Erling should be dropped; but Skjalg; Erling's son; should come to the king; and remain in his power。  Then Aslak returned to his dominions; and the two were in some sort reconciled。  Erling returned home also to his domains; and followed his own way of ruling them。


There was a man named Sigurd Thoreson; a brother of Thorer Hund of Bjarkey Island。  Sigurd was married to Sigrid Skjalg'
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