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don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第157章

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certain solemn joustings at the festival of St。 George; at which he
might win renown above all the knights of Aragon; which would be
winning it above all the knights of the world。 He commended his very
praiseworthy and gallant resolution; but admonished him to proceed
with greater caution in encountering dangers; because his life did not
belong to him; but to all those who had need of him to protect and aid
them in their misfortunes。
  〃There's where it is; what I abominate; Senor Samson;〃 said Sancho
here; 〃my master will attack a hundred armed men as a greedy boy would
half a dozen melons。 Body of the world; senor bachelor! there is a
time to attack and a time to retreat; and it is not to be always
'Santiago; and close Spain!' Moreover; I have heard it said (and I
think by my master himself; if I remember rightly) that the mean of
valour lies between the extremes of cowardice and rashness; and if
that be so; I don't want him to fly without having good reason; or
to attack when the odds make it better not。 But; above all things; I
warn my master that if he is to take me with him it must be on the
condition that he is to do all the fighting; and that I am not to be
called upon to do anything except what concerns keeping him clean
and comfortable; in this I will dance attendance on him readily; but
to expect me to draw sword; even against rascally churls of the
hatchet and hood; is idle。 I don't set up to be a fighting man;
Senor Samson; but only the best and most loyal squire that ever served
knight…errant; and if my master Don Quixote; in consideration of my
many faithful services; is pleased to give me some island of the
many his worship says one may stumble on in these parts; I will take
it as a great favour; and if he does not give it to me; I was born
like everyone else; and a man must not live in dependence on anyone
except God; and what is more; my bread will taste as well; and perhaps
even better; without a government than if I were a governor; and how
do I know but that in these governments the devil may have prepared
some trip for me; to make me lose my footing and fall and knock my
grinders out? Sancho I was born and Sancho I mean to die。 But for
all that; if heaven were to make me a fair offer of an island or
something else of the kind; without much trouble and without much
risk; I am not such a fool as to refuse it; for they say; too; 'when
they offer thee a heifer; run with a halter; and 'when good luck comes
to thee; take it in。'〃
  〃Brother Sancho;〃 said Carrasco; 〃you have spoken like a
professor; but; for all that; put your trust in God and in Senor Don
Quixote; for he will give you a kingdom; not to say an island。〃
  〃It is all the same; be it more or be it less;〃 replied Sancho;
〃though I can tell Senor Carrasco that my master would not throw the
kingdom he might give me into a sack all in holes; for I have felt
my own pulse and I find myself sound enough to rule kingdoms and
govern islands; and I have before now told my master as much。〃
  〃Take care; Sancho;〃 said Samson; 〃honours change manners; and
perhaps when you find yourself a governor you won't know the mother
that bore you。〃
  〃That may hold good of those that are born in the ditches;〃 said
Sancho; 〃not of those who have the fat of an old Christian four
fingers deep on their souls; as I have。 Nay; only look at my
disposition; is that likely to show ingratitude to anyone?〃
  〃God grant it;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃we shall see when the
government comes; and I seem to see it already。〃
  He then begged the bachelor; if he were a poet; to do him the favour
of composing some verses for him conveying the farewell he meant to
take of his lady Dulcinea del Toboso; and to see that a letter of
her name was placed at the beginning of each line; so that; at the end
of the verses; 〃Dulcinea del Toboso〃 might be read by putting together
the first letters。 The bachelor replied that although he was not one
of the famous poets of Spain; who were; they said; only three and a
half; he would not fail to compose the required verses; though he
saw a great difficulty in the task; as the letters which made up the
name were seventeen; so; if he made four ballad stanzas of four
lines each; there would be a letter over; and if he made them of five;
what they called decimas or redondillas; there were three letters
short; nevertheless he would try to drop a letter as well as he could;
so that the name 〃Dulcinea del Toboso〃 might be got into four ballad
  〃It must be; by some means or other;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃for
unless the name stands there plain and manifest; no woman would
believe the verses were made for her。〃
  They agreed upon this; and that the departure should take place in
three days from that time。 Don Quixote charged the bachelor to keep it
a secret; especially from the curate and Master Nicholas; and from his
niece and the housekeeper; lest they should prevent the execution of
his praiseworthy and valiant purpose。 Carrasco promised all; and
then took his leave; charging Don Quixote to inform him of his good or
evil fortunes whenever he had an opportunity; and thus they bade
each other farewell; and Sancho went away to make the necessary
preparations for their expedition。


  THE translator of this history; when he comes to write this fifth
chapter; says that he considers it apocryphal; because in it Sancho
Panza speaks in a style unlike that which might have been expected
from his limited intelligence; and says things so subtle that he
does not think it possible he could have conceived them; however;
desirous of doing what his task imposed upon him; he was unwilling
to leave it untranslated; and therefore he went on to say:
  Sancho came home in such glee and spirits that his wife noticed
his happiness a bowshot off; so much so that it made her ask him;
〃What have you got; Sancho friend; that you are so glad?〃
  To which he replied; 〃Wife; if it were God's will; I should be
very glad not to be so well pleased as I show myself。〃
  〃I don't understand you; husband;〃 said she; 〃and I don't know
what you mean by saying you would be glad; if it were God's will;
not to be well pleased; for; fool as I am; I don't know how one can
find pleasure in not having it。〃
  〃Hark ye; Teresa;〃 replied Sancho; 〃I am glad because I have made up
my mind to go back to the service of my master Don Quixote; who
means to go out a third time to seek for adventures; and I am going
with him again; for my necessities will have it so; and also the
hope that cheers me with the thought that I may find another hundred
crowns like those we have spent; though it makes me sad to have to
leave thee and the children; and if God would be pleased to let me
have my daily bread; dry…shod and at home; without taking me out
into the byways and cross…roads… and he could do it at small cost by
merely willing it… it is clear my happiness would be more solid and
lasting; for the happiness I have is mingled with sorrow at leaving
thee; so that
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