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don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第158章

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lasting; for the happiness I have is mingled with sorrow at leaving
thee; so that I was right in saying I would be glad; if it were
God's will; not to be well pleased。〃
  〃Look here; Sancho;〃 said Teresa; 〃ever since you joined on to a
knight…errant you talk in such a roundabout way that there is no
understanding you。〃
  〃It is enough that God understands me; wife;〃 replied Sancho; 〃for
he is the understander of all things; that will do; but mind;
sister; you must look to Dapple carefully for the next three days;
so that he may be fit to take arms; double his feed; and see to the
pack…saddle and other harness; for it is not to a wedding we are
bound; but to go round the world; and play at give and take with
giants and dragons and monsters; and hear hissings and roarings and
bellowings and howlings; and even all this would be lavender; if we
had not to reckon with Yanguesans and enchanted Moors。〃
  〃I know well enough; husband;〃 said Teresa; 〃that squires…errant
don't eat their bread for nothing; and so I will be always praying
to our Lord to deliver you speedily from all that hard fortune。〃
  〃I can tell you; wife;〃 said Sancho; 〃if I did not expect to see
myself governor of an island before long; I would drop down dead on
the spot。〃
  〃Nay; then; husband;〃 said Teresa; 〃let the hen live; though it be
with her pip; live; and let the devil take all the governments in
the world; you came out of your mother's womb without a government;
you have lived until now without a government; and when it is God's
will you will go; or be carried; to your grave without a government。
How many there are in the world who live without a government; and
continue to live all the same; and are reckoned in the number of the
people。 The best sauce in the world is hunger; and as the poor are
never without that; they always eat with a relish。 But mind; Sancho;
if by good luck you should find yourself with some government; don't
forget me and your children。 Remember that Sanchico is now full
fifteen; and it is right he should go to school; if his uncle the
abbot has a mind to have him trained for the Church。 Consider; too;
that your daughter Mari…Sancha will not die of grief if we marry
her; for I have my suspicions that she is as eager to get a husband as
you to get a government; and; after all; a daughter looks better ill
married than well whored。〃
  〃By my faith;〃 replied Sancho; 〃if God brings me to get any sort
of a government; I intend; wife; to make such a high match for
Mari…Sancha that there will be no approaching her without calling
her 'my lady。〃
  〃Nay; Sancho;〃 returned Teresa; 〃marry her to her equal; that is the
safest plan; for if you put her out of wooden clogs into high…heeled
shoes; out of her grey flannel petticoat into hoops and silk gowns;
out of the plain 'Marica' and 'thou;' into 'Dona So…and…so' and 'my
lady;' the girl won't know where she is; and at every turn she will
fall into a thousand blunders that will show the thread of her
coarse homespun stuff。〃
  〃Tut; you fool;〃 said Sancho; 〃it will be only to practise it for
two or three years; and then dignity and decorum will fit her as
easily as a glove; and if not; what matter? Let her he 'my lady;'
and never mind what happens。〃
  〃Keep to your own station; Sancho;〃 replied Teresa; 〃don't try to
raise yourself higher; and bear in mind the proverb that says; 'wipe
the nose of your neigbbour's son; and take him into your house。' A
fine thing it would be; indeed; to marry our Maria to some great count
or grand gentleman; who; when the humour took him; would abuse her and
call her clown…bred and clodhopper's daughter and spinning wench。 I
have not been bringing up my daughter for that all this time; I can
tell you; husband。 Do you bring home money; Sancho; and leave marrying
her to my care; there is Lope Tocho; Juan Tocho's son; a stout; sturdy
young fellow that we know; and I can see he does not look sour at
the girl; and with him; one of our own sort; she will be well married;
and we shall have her always under our eyes; and be all one family;
parents and children; grandchildren and sons…in…law; and the peace and
blessing of God will dwell among us; so don't you go marrying her in
those courts and grand palaces where they won't know what to make of
her; or she what to make of herself。〃
  〃Why; you idiot and wife for Barabbas;〃 said Sancho; 〃what do you
mean by trying; without why or wherefore; to keep me from marrying
my daughter to one who will give me grandchildren that will be
called 'your lordship'? Look ye; Teresa; I have always heard my elders
say that he who does not know how to take advantage of luck when it
comes to him; has no right to complain if it gives him the go…by;
and now that it is knocking at our door; it will not do to shut it
out; let us go with the favouring breeze that blows upon us。〃
  It is this sort of talk; and what Sancho says lower down; that
made the translator of the history say he considered this chapter
  〃Don't you see; you animal;〃 continued Sancho; 〃that it will be well
for me to drop into some profitable government that will lift us out
of the mire; and marry Mari…Sancha to whom I like; and you yourself
will find yourself called 'Dona Teresa Panza;' and sitting in church
on a fine carpet and cushions and draperies; in spite and in
defiance of all the born ladies of the town? No; stay as you are;
growing neither greater nor less; like a tapestry figure… Let us say
no more about it; for Sanchica shall be a countess; say what you
  〃Are you sure of all you say; husband?〃 replied Teresa。 〃Well; for
all that; I am afraid this rank of countess for my daughter will be
her ruin。 You do as you like; make a duchess or a princess of her; but
I can tell you it will not be with my will and consent。 I was always a
lover of equality; brother; and I can't bear to see people give
themselves airs without any right。 They called me Teresa at my
baptism; a plain; simple name; without any additions or tags or
fringes of Dons or Donas; Cascajo was my father's name; and as I am
your wife; I am called Teresa Panza; though by right I ought to he
called Teresa Cascajo; but 'kings go where laws like;' and I am
content with this name without having the 'Don' put on top of it to
make it so heavy that I cannot carry it; and I don't want to make
people talk about me when they see me go dressed like a countess or
governor's wife; for they will say at once; 'See what airs the slut
gives herself! Only yesterday she was always spinning flax; and used
to go to mass with the tail of her petticoat over her head instead
of a mantle; and there she goes to…day in a hooped gown with her
broaches and airs; as if we didn't know her!' If God keeps me in my
seven senses; or five; or whatever number I have; I am not going to
bring myself to such a pass; go you; brother; and be a government or
an island man; and swagger as much as you like; for by the soul of
my mother; neither my daughter nor I are going to stir a step from our
village; a respectable woman should have a broken leg and keep at
home; and to he busy at something is a virtuous damsel's holiday; be
off t
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