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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第184章

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presently appeared; looking so melancholy; that; as a sedative; Ethel
set her down to the basket of scraps to find materials for a tippet
for some one at Cocksmoor; intending; as soon as Margaret should be
dressed; to resign her morning to the others; invite Miss Bracy to
the drawing…room; and read aloud。

Gertrude was waiting for her walk; till nurse should have dressed
Margaret; and was frisking about the lawn; sometimes looking in at
the drawing…room window at her sisters; sometimes chattering to Adams
at his work; or laughing to herself and the flowers; in that overflow
of mirth; that seemed always bubbling up within her。

She was standing in rapt contemplation of a pear…tree in full
blossom; her hands tightly clasped behind the back; for greater
safety from the temptation; when; hearing the shrubbery gate open;
she turned; expecting to see her papa; but was frightened at the
sight of two strangers; and began to run off at full speed。

〃Stop!  Blanche!  Blanche; don't you know me?〃  The voice was that
tone of her brother's; and she stood and looked; but it came from a
tall; ruddy youth; in a shabby rough blue coat; followed by a
grizzled old seaman。  She was too much terrified and perplexed even
to run。

〃What's the matter!  Blanche; it is I!  Why; don't you know me

〃Poor brother Harry is drowned;〃 she answered; and; with one bound;
he was beside her; and; snatching her up; devoured her with kisses。

〃Put me downput me down; please;〃 was all she could say。

〃It is not Blanche!  What? the little Daisy; I do believe!〃

〃Yes; I am Gertrude; but please let me go;〃 and; at the same time;
Adams hurried up; as if he thought her being kidnapped; but his
aspect changed at the glad cry; 〃Ha! Adams' how are you?  Are they
all well?〃

〃'Tisn't never Master Harry!  Bless me!〃 as Harry's hand gave him
sensible proof; 〃when we had given you up for lost!〃

〃My father well?〃 Harry asked; hurrying the words one over the other。

〃Quite well; sir; but he never held up his head since he heard it;
and poor Miss Mary has so moped about。  If ever I thought to see the

〃So they did not get my letter; but I can't stop。  Jennings will tell
you。  Take care of him。  Come; Daisy〃 for he had kept her unwilling
hand all the time。  〃But what's that for?〃 pointing to the black
ribbons; and; stopping short; startled。

〃Because of poor Harry;〃 said the bewildered child。

〃Oh; that's right!〃 cried he; striding on; and dragging her in a
breathless run; as he threw open the well…known doors; and; she
escaping from him; hid her face in Mary's lap; screaming; 〃He says he
is Harry! he says he is not drowned!〃

At the same moment Ethel was in his arms; and his voice was sobbing;
〃Ethel!  Mary! home!  Where's papa?〃  One moment's almost agonising
joy in the certainty of his identity! but ere she could look or
think; he was crying; 〃Mary! oh; Ethel; see〃

Mary had not moved; but sat as if turned to stone; with breath
suspended; wide…stretched eyes; and death…like cheeksEthel sprang
to her; 〃Mary; Mary dear; it is Harry!  It is himself!  Don't you
see?  Speak to her; Harry。〃

He seemed almost afraid to do so; but; recovering himself; exclaimed;
〃Mary; dear old Polly; here I am!  Oh; won't you speak to me?〃 he
added piteously; as he threw his arm round her and kissed her;
startled at the cold touch of her cheek。

The spell seemed broken; and; with a wild hoarse shriek that rang
through the house; she struggled to regain her breath; but it would
only come in painful; audible catches; as she held Harry's hand

〃What have I done?〃 he exclaimed; in distress。

〃What's this!  Who is this frightening my dear?〃 was old nurse's
exclamation; as she and James came at the outcry。

〃Oh; nurse; what have I done to her?〃 repeated Harry。

〃It is joyit is sudden joy!〃 said Ethel。  〃See; she is better

〃Master Harry!  Well; I never!〃 and James; 〃with one wring of the
hand; retreated; while old nurse was nearly hugged to death;
declaring all the time that he didn't ought to have come in such a
way; terrifying every one out of their senses! and as for poor Miss

〃Where is she? 〃 cried Harry; starting at the sight of the vacant

〃Only upstairs;〃 said Ethel; 〃but where's Alan?  Is not he come?〃

〃Oh; Ethel; don't you know?〃 His face told but too plainly。

〃Nurse! nurse; how shall we tell her?〃 said Ethel。

〃Poor dear!〃 exclaimed nurse; sounding her tongue on the roof of her
mouth。  〃She'll never abear it without her papa。  Wait for him; I
should say。  But bless me; Miss Mary; to see you go on like that;
when Master Harry is come back such a bonny

〃I'm better now;〃 said Mary; with an effort。  〃Oh; Harry! speak to me

〃But Margaret!〃 said Ethel; while the brother was holding Mary in his
embrace; and she lay tremulous with the new ecstasy upon his breast
〃but Margaret。  Nurse; you must go up; or she will suspect。  I'll
come when I can; speak quietly。  Oh! poor Margaret!  If Richard would
but come in!〃

Ethel walked up and down the room; divided between a tumult of joy;
grief; dread; and perplexity。  At that moment a little voice said at
the door; 〃Please; Margaret wants Harry to come up directly。〃

They looked one upon another in consternation。 They had never thought
of the child; who; of course; had flown up at once with the tidings。

〃Go up; Miss Ethel;〃 said nurse。

〃Oh! nurse; I can't be the first。  Come; Harry; come。〃

Hand…in…hand; they silently ascended the stairs; and Ethel pushed
open the door。  Margaret was on her couch; her whole form and face in
one throb of expectation。

She looked into Harry's facethe eagerness flitted like sunshine on
the hillside; before a cloud; and; without a word; she held out her

He threw himself on his knees; and her fingers were clasped among his
thick curls; while his frame heaved with suppressed sobs; 〃Oh; if he
could only have come back to you。〃

〃Thank God;〃 she said; then slightly pushing him back; she lay
holding his hand in one of hers; and resting the other on his
shoulder; and gazing in silence into his face。  Each was stillshe
was gathering strengthhe dreaded word or look。

〃Tell me how and where;〃 she said at last。

〃It was in the Loyalty Isles; it was feverthe exertions for us。
His head was lying here;〃 and he pointed to his own breast。  〃He sent
his love to youhe bade me tell you there would be meeting by and
by; in the haven where he would be。 I laid his head in the grave
under the great palmI said some of the prayersthere are
Christians round it。〃

He said this in short disconnected phrases; often pausing to gather
voice; but forced to resume; by her inquiring looks and pressure of
his hand。

She asked no more。  〃Kiss me;〃 she said; and when he had done so;
〃Thank you; go down; please; all of you。  You have brought great
relief。  Thank you。  But I can't talk yet。  You shall tell me the
rest by and by。〃

She sent them all away; even Ethel; who would have lingered。

〃Go to him; dearest。  Let me be alone。  Don't be uneasy。  This is
peacebut go。〃

Ethel found Mary and Harry interlaced into one moving figure; and
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