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While members of the Sentinels hurried to break down the camp and ready the GMU for motion; Burak was breaking the news to Tesla。 The Invid made him repeat it several times until satisfied he had all the details straight。

He had felt certain all along that he wasn't fated to end his days on Praxis; and now Burak had brought word that Hunter and the others had discovered a way to reach the orbiting drive module。 With precious little time to spare; Tesla thought as he and Burak packed away the few belongings the Invid kept in his cell。

Ever since his earlier ingestion of the mutated fruits; his mind had been reeling; locked in a kind of revelatory state; where answers came to him full…blown; like short…lived explosions of light。 He had been asking himself why the Regis had e to Praxis in the first place; it was a question that had been plaguing him on and off for months now。

It was before the mutiny aboard the Farrago that they had encountered one another; when Tesla had landed on Praxis to choose specimens for the Regent's zoo。 The Regis had given him a vague explanation then; and it didn't occur to him until much later on to question her responses。 With the continual quakes to spur him on; however; and the aid of the fruits; the answer became obvious: she had e here to conduct further Genesis Pit experiments…part of her grand scheme to transmute the Invid race into something Tesla himself could not yet begin to imagine。 Optera had been the site of the first Pits; where Tesla and most of the other evolved Invid were birthed。 But the Regis's experiment there had almost doomed the planet; it had; in fact; touched off the initial search for secondary worlds she might employ。 Abandoning Optera and the Regent; she had finally e to Praxis to hollow out new Pits deep in the planetary core。 And of course that was why she had left the place…because her experiment was following the same course it had taken on Optera。

Left。 But for where? Tesla asked himself。。。

He put a hand on Burak's shoulder as they were about to leave the room。 〃You say they will be choosing a crew to pilot the first Alpha up to the module?〃

Burak felt the strength of the Invid's grip; and tried to shake it off; but could not。 〃Are we going to die here; Tesla?〃 he asked in a faltering voice。 〃Peryton; my people…〃

〃Quiet; you fool!〃 Tesla stepped through the doorway; glancing around to assure himself that no one was within earshot; then swinging back around to Burak。 〃We won't die here…not if we're part of that crew; we won't。〃

Burak's face contorted。 〃But how…〃

〃You leave that to me。 I just need to know one thing。〃 Tesla sniffed at him。 〃Can you pilot that Spherisian module?〃

〃I suppose so;〃 Burak said uncertainly。

Tesla stretched out his thick neck。 〃Then we're all set。〃


In Admiral 'Rick' Hunter's personal notes 'recorded on Praxis'; we learn of several discussions that took place between Cabell and Bela regarding the issue of child…bearing among the Praxians。 (Hunter himself was nonplussed to hear Bela refer to Arla…Non as her 〃mother。〃) 'Bela' even allowed Cabell to tour the whaashi…〃birthing center;〃 or creche…although refused to enter it herself。 It was understood that certain members of the Sisterhood were preselected to receive female 〃offspring;〃 who were then raised as 〃daughters of the Sun。〃 The Praxians had little understanding of courtship; sexuality; or pregnancy; the 〃coupling rite〃 being a kind of catch…all mystery that was at the same time enticing and fearsome。 Cabell; of course; was quick to see Haydon's hand at work。
A。 Jow; The Historical Hay don

Of all the worlds she had visited; this was the saddest; the Regis decided as she contemplated Haydon IV's cityscape from the uppermost tier of the Invid headquarters there。 It was a small world; perfect in every respect; but with a heart as lifeless as the faceless beings who hovered across its surface and seemed to know one's every thought。 The Regent liked to believe that he had conquered the place by cajoling his way into a position of absolute authority; but Haydon IV had seen many a would…be ruler e and go; while it itself remained unchanged; ungovernable; unreachable。 It was one of the few open trading ports left since the Tirol…Optera war had spread like some contagion through the Quadrant; and as such Haydon IV enjoyed a semblance of peace。 Still; the Regis sensed the presence of an inprehensible evil here; far worse than the vulcanistic horrors her Genesis Pit experiments had unearthed on poor Praxis。

She had e to see for herself what the Invid scientists had found here; and now; as grateful as she was for the data they had supplied her; she could feel nothing but a kind of vague dread for the future; for the very path she had embarked on。 Haydon IV's sophisticated scanners had picked up a trace of the Robotech Masters' course; and in effect pointed a way to Zor's ship with its matrixed Flowers。 But the Regis's private samplings of the planet's vast store of metaphysical knowledge had revealed something of potentially greater import…a suggestion that she had been as self…deceived as the Regent had been。 That her ostensibly evolved nature…along with her continuing efforts to search out the physical form deemed most perfect to embody her intellect…was but a carefully constructed delusion; self…generated and engineered to keep her from the real truth。 And yet it was a truth she refused to contemplate; a mating she would not accept…one she was not at any rate prepared to accept。

There would e a moment years hence when these truths would dawn on her like the primordial fireball itself; and the Invid Regis would willingly surrender the shackles of physicality and ascend; but just now; she chose to keep Haydon IV's revelations from her thoughts; and turn her attention to the Praxian woman who had requested audience。

〃This world is a paradise;〃 the Regis said; turning from the spire's inparable view; but gesturing to it nevertheless。 〃I have traveled the Quadrant over; and never have I known such an exquisite place。〃

Arla…Non flashed her a scornful look; and tossed back a luxuriant mane of sun…bleached hair。 〃Better a cave on Praxis than a palace here;〃 she sneered。 〃Every nerve in my body screams at me to beware this place; this planet。 Every breath of its wind carries a lie。〃

She was tall and powerfully built; clothed in swaths of colorful fabric and knee…high boots of soft hide。 Looking at her; the Regis couldn't help but be reminded of her own failed attempts to emulate that racial form; to please Zor。。。

〃Is that fair?〃 the Invid Queen…Mother asked; an edge to her voice as she approached the Praxian。 〃You knew nothing but hardship; and now you have luxury beyond the dreams of most beings。〃

〃And you have Praxis;〃 Arla…Non shot back。

The Regis made an impatient gesture。 〃You must learn to forget Praxis; as I have Optera。 Your world is doomed。〃

〃So you continue to tell me。 It is your way of decreeing that Praxis had bee nothing more than an Invid breeding ground。〃

〃Praxis will breed nothing but asteroids!〃 the Regis seethed。 〃I cannot change the past; Praxian。 Make your peace with this world; or live out your days i
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