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〃Praxis will breed nothing but asteroids!〃 the Regis seethed。 〃I cannot change the past; Praxian。 Make your peace with this world; or live out your days in torment。 I offer you no other choice。〃

Without a word; Arla…Non spun on her heel and headed for the entrance to the spire's transport shaft; she stopped short of its triangular accessway。 〃I can choose to fight you to the last; Invid。〃

The Regis had her back turned; but the Praxian's words found their mark。 She was beginning to understand why the Regent had never regarded persuasion as a viable option where force could be employed。 The Regis made note of it; promising death for the next beings who attempted to thwart her。

Praxis; meanwhile; was beginning to e apart。

Forced by ground swells; fissures; and rock slides into taking the long way around; the GMU arrived at the caves precious hours behind its projected ETA。 But with the region's numerous caves and shafts to vent the planet's internal pressure; the land here had been spared some of the tectonic turmoil afflicting other areas。 Nevertheless; the air was filled with static charge; heat; and stench; and the cave that housed the orbs was fast being unworkable。 The Skull had arrived hours earlier; and by the time Vince and Jean Grant; Janice; Rem; Wolff; Burak; and the others stepped from the mobile base; the rest of the core Sentinels were well into Rick's impromptu briefing。 Several dozen orbs of varying size had already exited the cave; and were well on the way to their enigmatic deepspace destiny; but Veidt and Sarna had 〃persuaded〃 the stragglers to lag behind awhile longer。 Kami and Learna had reported the emergence of yet more spheres from the cavern's internal chimney。 Cabell speculated that it might be possible to widen the access some; and thereby increase the chances of additional creatures reaching the surface。

The plan called for the spheres to lift an Alpha with a crew of five clear through Praxis's suddenly albescent atmosphere。 Once in space and under its own power; the mecha would plete the rendezvous with the drive module。 When that was acplished; the crew would drop the module into a lower orbit while the spheres continued to raise five…person crews。 It was conceivable that the GMU would have to be abandoned; but at least the VTs and Hovertanks would survive。 Although it sounded crazy the plan was straightforward enough; there remained; however; several variables to deal with。 First; the Sentinels had no idea how many orbs might be required to lift a VT; or just how fast they would be able to raise it the requisite distance。 An incorrect guess could leave the mecha hanging in space waiting for the module to plete another orbit; or; worse still; missing the thing altogether。 Second; and equally problematic; the initial crew would have to be prised of personnel capable of piloting the module into a lower orbit; and possibly…should the orbs for some reason withdraw their support…through a spacefold to Karbarra; or equidistant Fantoma。 Third; someone was going to have to stay in touch with the orbs。

This last issue had been decided by the time the GMU contingent joined the others near the cave entrance。 Sarna was going to be in charge of mustering and instructing the creatures in their task。 Veidt had simply said; 〃Sarna will do it;〃 and no one argued the point。 Rick now had the module in mind。

Most of the XT aliens were out of the running for this slot; except Veidt…who was needed down below to mind…link with the spheres…and Lron。 Rick had doubts that the burly Karbarran could successfully pilot the ship through a jump; and although the module was Spherisian in design; neither Teal nor Baldan were qualified to handle it。 Vince was needed for the GMU。 That left only Lisa; unless。。。

〃Janice;〃 Rick said suddenly; 〃can you handle it?〃

Burak almost volunteered; but Tesla restrained him at the last moment; gesturing him silent while everyone's attention was focused on Minmei's former partner。

She nodded; without saying anything。 If it came down to a fold for Tirol; Lang would be delighted to find her aboard。 She sensed Lisa looking at her; and gave her a tight…lipped but understanding look。

〃Lisa?〃 Rick said; figuring he would be safer with a crowd around him。

〃I'm fine with your choice; mander;〃 she told him evenly。 〃But just who do you have in mind to pilot the Alpha?〃

Rick looked around unfortably。 〃Well; I think I'm the most qual…〃

Half…a…dozen voices interrupted him at once。

〃It's too risky;〃 Max said; speaking for all of them。 〃I'll go。〃

〃Your place is with the Skull;〃 Rick pointed out firmly; and everyone grumbled their agreement。 Several of Max's squadron volunteered; including Miriya; but Rick rejected all of them for one reason or another。 Then Jonathan Wolff stepped forward。

〃I'm the logical choice;〃 he said; addressing the circle。 〃With Vince and Max; we'll still have our air…and ground…based forces intact in the event of a follow…up attack。 One less tanker isn't going to influence things one way or another。〃

Rick had to smile at Wolff's attempt at humility; but Wolff's reasoning was sound。 〃All right;〃 he said at last; 〃you've got it。〃

Just then Tesla began to shoulder his way to the center of the circle。 〃mander; I; too; would like to volunteer my services。〃 He turned to the Sentinels; some of whom were already ridiculing him。

〃You've all seen how I can be made to cooperate。 But now I wish nothing more than to demonstrate my willingness to cooperate。 These four months have taught me a great deal about freedom and self…determination; and I would urge you all to begin to accept me as a member of your group; rather than a prisoner。 Should the Regent's troops appear in Praxis…space; I will be there to foil them; much as I did in Tracialle。〃

Rick looked up at the Invid; remembering what Lisa had told him of the Farrago's attack on the Karbarran city; and wondering whether Tesla was genuine or simply trying to save his own green skin。 Rick asked him if he wasn't growing tired of his role…whether he had any reservations about betraying the Invid cause。

〃It seems to be my lot in life;〃 Tesla said in a theatrical manner。 〃Besides; I want this mission to succeed as much as the rest of you do。〃

Rick exhaled a short laugh。 〃We appreciate that; Tesla。 But intentions aside; I think you might be too。。。uh; large for the mecha。〃

〃Too large!〃 Telsa said as though insulted。 〃Put me in the Beta's cargo section; then。〃 He sucked in his breath; as if to narrow his bulk; and waited; making an effort to will the right words into the Human's mind。

〃You think we can fit Burak and Tesla back there?〃 Rick asked Wolff hesitantly。

Wolff sized up the Invid and the horned Perytonian; who was looking a bit peaked。 〃Be a little tight; but I think we can manage them。〃

〃Then let's hop to it;〃 Rick said decisively。

Tesla and Burak lingered for a moment at the hub of the sudden activity。 The Invid turned partway toward his acplice and spoke in a hushed voice。

〃Make certain you bring plenty of fruit aboard; my young friend。 Destiny calls to us both。〃

On Tirol; too; things were off to a shaky start。 During the first session of the truce negotiati
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