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When the ships came alongside of each other; 〃That is Asbjorn;〃 said Karle; 〃the man sitting at the helm in a blue cloak。〃

Asmund replies; 〃I shall make his blue cloak red;〃 threw a spear at Asbjorn; and hit him in the middle of the body; so that it flew through and through him; and stuck fast in the upper part of the stern…post; and Asbjorn fell down dead from the helm。  Then each vessel sailed on its course; and Asbjorn's body was carried north to Thrandarnes。  Then Sigrid sent a message to Bjarkey Isle to Thorer Hund; who came to her while they were; in the usual way; dressing the corpse of Asbjorn。  When he returned Sigrid gave presents to all her friends; and followed Thorer to his ship; but before they parted she said; 〃It has so fallen out; Thorer; that my son has suffered by thy friendly counsel; but he did not retain life to reward thee for it; but although I have not his ability yet will I show my good will。  Here is a gift I give thee; which I expect thou wilt use。  Here is the spear which went through Asbjorn my son; and there is still blood upon it; to remind thee that it fits the wound thou hast seen on the corpse of thy brother's son Asbjorn。  It would be a manly deed; if thou shouldst throw this spear from thy hand so that it stood in Olaf's breast; and this I can tell thee; that thou wilt be named coward in every man's mouth; if thou dost not avenge Asbjorn。〃  Thereupon she turned about; and went her way。

Thorer was so enraged at her words that he could not speak。  He neither thought of casting the spear from him; nor took notice of the gangway; so that he would have fallen into the sea; if his men had not laid hold of him as he was going on board his ship。 It was a feathered spear; not large; but the handle was gold… mounted。  Now Thorer rowed away with his people; and went home to Bjarkey Isle。  Asmund and his companions also proceeded on their way until they came south to Throndhjem; where they waited on King Olaf; and Asmund related to the king all that had happened on the voyage。  Karle became one of the king's court…men; and the friendship continued between him and Asmund。  They did not keep secret the words that had passed between Asmund and Karle before Asbjorn was killed; for they even told them to the king。  But then it happened; according to the proverb; that every one has a friend in the midst of his enemies。  There were some present who took notice of the words; and they reached Thorer Hund's ears。


When spring (A。D。 1024) was advanced King Olaf rigged out his ships; and sailed southwards in summer along the land。  He held Things with the bondes on the way; settled the law business of the people; put to rights the faith of the country; and collected the king's taxes wherever he came。  In autumn he proceeded south to the frontier of the country; and King Olaf had now made the people Christians in all the great districts; and everywhere; by laws; had introduced order into the country。  He had also; as before related; brought the Orkney Islands under his power; and by messages had made many friends in Iceland; Greenland; and the Farey Islands。  King Olaf had sent timber for building a church to Iceland; of which a church was built upon the Thing…field where the General Thing is held; and had sent a bell for it; which is still there。  This was after the Iceland people had altered their laws; and introduced Christianity; according to the word King Olaf had sent them。  After that time; many considerable persons came from Iceland; and entered into King Olaf's service; as Thorkel Eyjolfson; and Thorleif Bollason; Thord Kolbeinson; Thord Barkarson; Thorgeir Havarson; Thormod Kalbrunar…skald。  King Olaf had sent many friendly presents to chief people in Iceland; and they in return sent him such things as they had which they thought most acceptable。  Under this show of friendship which the king gave Iceland were concealed many things which afterwards appeared。


King Olaf this summer (A。D。 1024) sent Thorarin Nefiulfson to Iceland on his errands; and Thorarin went out of Throndhjem fjord along with the king; and followed him south to More。  From thence Thorarin went out to sea; and got such a favourable breeze that after four days sail he landed at the Westman Isles; in Iceland。 He proceeded immediately to the Althing; and came just as the people were upon the Lawhillock; to which he repaired。  When the cases of the people before the Thing had been determined according to law; Thorarin Nefiulfson took up the word as follows:  〃We parted four days ago from King Olaf Haraldson; who sends God Almighty's and his own salutation to all the chiefs and principal men of the land; as also to all the people in general; men and women; young and old; rich and poor。  He also lets you know that he will be your sovereign if ye will become his subjects; so that he and you will be friends; assisting each other in all that is good。〃

The people replied in a friendly way; that they would gladly be the king's friends; if he would be a friend of the people of their country。

Then Thorarin again took up the word:  〃This follows in addition to the king's message; that he will in friendship desire of the people of the north district that they give him the island; or out…rock; which lies at the mouth of Eyfjord; and is called Grimsey; for which he will give you from his country whatever good the people of the district may desire。  He sends this message particularly to Gudmund of Modruvellir to support this matter; because he understands that Gudmund has most influence in that quarter。〃

Gudmund replies; 〃My inclination is greatly for King Olaf's friendship; and that I consider much more useful than the out… rock he desires。  But the king has not heard rightly if he think I have more power in this matter than any other; for the island is a common。  We; however; who have the most use of the isle; will hold a meeting among ourselves about it。〃

Then the people went to their tent…houses; and the Northland people had a meeting among themselves; and talked over the business; and every one spoke according to his judgment。  Gudmund supported the matter; and many others formed their opinions by his。  Then some asked why his brother Einar did not speak on the subject。  〃We think he has the clearest insight into most things。〃

Einar answers; 〃I have said so little about the matter because nobody has asked me about it; but if I may give my opinion; our countrymen might just as well make themselves at once liable to land…scat to King Olaf; and submit to all his exactions as he has them among his people in Norway; and this heavy burden we will lay not only upon ourselves; but on our sons; and their sons; and all our race; and on all the community dwelling and living in this land; which never after will be free from this slavery。  Now although this king is a good man; as I well believe him to be; yet it must be hereafter; when kings succeed each other; that some will be good。 and some bad。  Therefore if the people of this country will preserve the freedom they have enjoyed since the land was first inhabited; it is not advi
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